Okay, I've been searching through the questions about pregnant rats on here and I think I have most of what I need to know down but, there are a couple more questions I need answered.
I got a male rat yesterday and I went to get another one for a compainion for him. Well, when I got another one this afternoon, we were thinking it was male. After I got it home and put it in the cage, it became pretty clear that it was female; from the interest from the male and she has no male parts.
I don't think they are very old. They were being sold as feeder rats so, they are relatively small. I know there is a good chance of her being already pregnant...
But anyway, the pet store told me I could bring the babies back if she has any. I need to know when I can touch the babies/when they are ready to be taken from the mother. And, is there any thing I need to do to help her and the babies?
Should I be worried about the male hurting the female while she is pregnant? I know to take him out while she gives birth but, I just want to make sure nothing bad will happen before that.
Also, at the meantime, I have them in a glass aquarium tank. (I'm getting a wire one tomorrow, though.) The female likes to jump to the top and hang on. It's not that far of a drop to the bedding but, I would like to know if this is putting any bad harm to her and the babies.
Any other tips or suggestions would be welcomed since I really have no clue what I'm doing. I've had all types of rodents before but never had any of them have babies.
Thank you in advance!!