
Questions about a sick kitten

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I've had this kitten for about...2 months now maybe a little more. She was fine when we got her - a previous barn cat. Like my other two cats. and later developed bad gooby eyes and horrible nasal dischange.

It never stopped her from eating, and I have two other kittens and they have never caught it. Her mother seems to have some respitory infection..maybe it's heriditary?

She is getting better, I treated her eyes, and she is a lot more full of life.-Plays, runs around... She doesn't sneeze as much and only some discharge from her nose. Every since I started giving her a milk replacement she's been looking even better...

We haven't had money for the vet, but it looked like a cold. SO we just made sure to pay close attention to her...any suggestions on what this might be?/have been?




  1. Sounds like an upper respiratory infection in both. You should take them to the vet, but it can be expensive. The kiiten sounds like she is doing better because you are giving her kitty milk which is boosting her immune system. She may get over it but watch her very carefully. And the mother.

  2. sounds like a kitty cold.

    i adopted a kitten from the humane society i work at and he was sick for the first, i swear atleast, month that i had him. stray kittens or kittens who are without a mama at a young age tend to be little sick kids for a while. hes much better now though. the goopy eyes and nose def. make me think kitty cold.  

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