I have/had? an open adoption, I am the birthmom. I have recently tried to contact the adoptive parents, by phone. They are not returning my calls. I know I have no rights to my baby- that's not what I was after. But what do I do now? If she wants to find me in the future, I'd like her to be able to, to find out any information she might not have, or to get to know me, either is fine.
I have all of their personal information like name and address. I also have the name of my attorney that they have been sending pictures each year through. I'm not sure if I should try to contact them through him, or just let it go- I left messages (nothing too personal) on their machine at home, so I don't see a point in going through the attorney except that there would be proof I tried to contact them, should my bio-child ever get acess to that... I'm just afraid now that she'll think I want nothing to do with her.