
Questions about acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine.?

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I was looking up local acupuncturists and the one i was researching offers cupping and micro currents. Does anybody know about the effectiveness of these methods? Are they for real?




  1. Yes. If they didn't work, these things would have gone by the wayside years ago.

    I loved my acupuncturist-- it helped a lot!

  2. Both will produce a placebo effect, thats about it.

  3. Cupping is a technique where they basically apply suction, usually with small glass jars.  It leaves welts in the shape of the cup.  It is claimed to draw out "toxins"...whatever those are. No Altie has ever defined them.

    Microcurrents is a variation on traditional acupuncture where they add a tiny current to the needle.  This is a dash of modernity to give the illusion that this is a scientific procedure.  It isn't.  Electricity adds nothing in particular to the placebo response in most people.

    These methods are both just as "effective" as regular acupuncture....which is to say just as useless, though they may well trigger a placebo response.

  4. Cupping is for real.It will leave marks on your back for awhile.The procedure does not hurt.It helps draw toxins out as well.

    Also check where they were schooled,how long in practice,licencing,any complaints filed etc.Ask your doc if they have someone to recommend as well before allowing someone to work on you.

    Currents are sometimes applied to the needles already well placed.Not all practices use this method.Ask the practitioner what benefits it may/may not have.

    I suppose it depends on the condition one is being treated for?You always have the right to decline anything you do not feel comfortable with.

  5. They do nothing except remove "toxins" from your wallet..

  6. Of course not.

    It is total ****.

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