
Questions about adoption???

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My husband and I are llooking into the possibility of addoption. I know this may sound unusual, but are there really ways to adopt like in the movie juno? It seems like they just placed an add and girls called them about adopting. I want to know, if its true, what cost are involved, paperwork, etc.

Serious answers please, im very new to the adoption world! Just looking for some help!

I live in North Carolina.




  1. ok to set the record straight adoptions can happen like in juno........ and this kind of adoption it is called an open adoption i am not sure if it is also called a private adotion but when u get to meet the adoptive parents it is called an open adoption and i agree u should go through a adoption agencie b/c if you do it thru a newspaper u will need to hire a lawyer ne ways .............. either way u will be spending a bit of money...................... open adoptions u get to meet the birth parent or parents and u keep in contact with after the adoption but the good thing about an agencie is that they do all the work they explain u sign and it is much easier..........

  2. The couple in Juno had an adoption lawyer. Also they must have had an approved homestudy before being allowed to adopt, and most likely it would have had to been updated when the husband backed out (since that changed things). You can place and ad, but responses are few and some may be scams. Also individuals can't advertise  in many states (agencies usually can), so you need to check the rules in each state where you want to advertise.

    The best approach is to go to the information sessions at several agencies. They give a lot of information, and you can see how you like them. Even if you decide to go with an adoption lawyer, it won't hurt. Either way you need a homestudy (background check,  financial check, see if you seem capable of parenting), someone to file the legal papers, and a birthmom  who choses you for her baby. The last  is the hardest to find.

  3. i have seen ad's about people wanting to adopt a child in newspapers and stuff like that not sure about cost but i would advise that you also are careful because no matter what the mother always has the right to change her mind

  4. You usually have more chances of finding a child to adopt if you go through an adoption agency.

  5. yes that is what happens often actualy. many people actualy just place themselves in the paper, or some people have websites that advertise themselves as parents looking to adopt. type it in your search bar im sure you will find something. blessings

  6. The type of adoption that happened in the movie "Juno" is a private adoption.  Private adoptions are possible, but carry some serious risks to both the perspective adoptive family and the family considering placing a child for adoption.  Fraud, coersion, illegal adoptions (even unknowingly illegal) are more likely with private adoptions.  

    Any adoption requires paperwork, including an approved homestudy.  A private adoption requires retaining a lawyer, which is also very costly.  

    If you are thinking about adoption, please research all of the options out there: domestic, international and foster adoption.  All have benefits and drawbacks, so you need to get as much information as you can, from as many perspectives as you can, in order to make an informed decision.  

    Juno was a cute movie, but adoptions rarely work out like that.

    Good luck

  7. Private adoptions are often unethical and offer little by way of protections for the child, the mother, and the prospective adoptive parents.  They are to be avoided.

    Since you are new to adoption, I would suggest reading up on the experience of adoptees.  Here's some suggested titles to get you started:

    * "Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self" by Brodzinsky, Schecter, and Henig

    * "Journey of the Adopted Self" by Betty Jean Lifton

    * "The Primal Wound" by Nancy Verrier

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