
Questions about anatomy ?

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which will heal faster bones or cartilage and why ?




  1. Depending on how bad the injury is, i don't know, one of them might heal faster than the other.

  2. i know it's the bones but i forgot why :)) sorry

  3. the answer is bones... I can't remember why, though

  4. The reason that bone injuries heal faster than cartilage injuries has to

    do with the ability of the cells in each tissue to respond to injury by

    dividing and making new tissue. The cartilage that makes up the slippery,

    gliding surfaces of your joints, like knees, wrists, between your

    vertebrae, is inhabited by specialized cells called “chondrocytes.” They

    live within the cartilage and are pretty inactive once the bones have

    formed and grown to full size. They respond very little to injuries, and

    they hardly ever divide after growth is complete. Damage to the joint

    cartilage (“articular cartilage”) can be very painful and crippling,

    whether from an injury or from arthritis. Bone, on the other hand, is covered

    by cells that can divide and make new bone.

    The amazing thing about the process of fracture healing is the sequence of

    events that occurs after a fracture. To understand this, you should know

    that most bones in your body except your skull first form as a cartilage

    model of the bone that, during growth, is progressively eaten and replaced

    by bone. During fracture healing, the whole process goes on again in fast-

    forward. Cells on the surface of the bone actually turn into chondrocytes

    that make a kind of cartilage filler for the crack, called a “fracture

    callus.” Over the course of a few weeks, specialized bone cells called

    osteoclasts eat up the cartilage, and bone-forming cells called

    osteoblasts replace the whole thing with new bone.

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