
Questions about auditioning for a Broadway play?

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Yesterday (a couple hours ago) I found that there's an audition tomorrow for a Broadway Spiderman musical. I want to try out for Mary-Jane who has to be sort of girl next door and have a pop/rock type of voice. I have gone to a vocal teacher for 3 yrs, been in plays and choirs, and sang way before I was in kindergarten. The only problem is, I have not been taught how to act (I've been in plays, and got lead roles, but that's about it), and I only have a year of dance. It's scaring me because this is BROADWAY we're talking about. Will this be a problem? And the age requirement is 16, and I'm 15 turning 16 in Sept. Do you think I wouldn't be able to try out? Also, my mother will not be able to take me because she can't take off work, so would I be able to go by myself or do i HAVE to go with a parent?

Thanks in advance!

BTW, the audition's today at 10am so I sort of need answers ASAP. Thanks. :)




  1. not to sound mean but u seem a little too young and inexperienced.  I heard about this musical and it should be really good.  From what ive heard Mary-jane is a really strong dancer/actor.  Id say just go for the experience and learn from it.  on what to wear try to look as old as possible without looking ridiculous....good luck.

  2. Go for it girl!!! Even if you dont have everything just show them what you got and its great experience  i would look up resumes and make a sample one and just use a regular picture for a headshot Who cares if you dont have a lot of dance or acting training just try it yes even though your 15 i would say go to the audition i dont think you need a parent but i would go with someone else maybe a guardian  neighbor, older coworker, sibling someone.....Good Luck!!!! and please go!!!! oh yeah i would dress in some nice dark jeans not to tight and a nice shirt and comfortable shoes   if your dancing then make sure you can dance in the outfit and shoes!!!! Good Luck!!! Try your best!!!!! please let us know what it's like and how you do!!!!!

    i would also be prepared to sing so maybe prepare a song that you know well and that shows off your vocal ability and bring the sheet music just in case....i dont think its needed though and maybe have a monologue ive never auditioned for broadway so i dont know if you need a monologue but if you have time memorize one and if your a fast memorizer memorize a comedic and a serious monologue once again Good Luck Best Wishes

  3. Broadway? And this is ur 1st audition. I dont want to sound like a downer, but its a long shot. If you are as good as you sound, I think you would at least get a call back. But, you might be an amazing singer and actress and dancer, but maybe your not "Mary Jane Material" And, I dont know about the age thing, do you look old enough? Does you voice sound old enough? And yes, Im pretty sure your parents must sign some papers, but just explain it to them, they SHOULD undertsand. GOODLUCK!!! kEEP UP TO DATE!! ;]]

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