
Questions about austranesian and dravidian??

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Are they caucasian, Mongoloid, or Ne g roid?




  1. Tricky to explain...

    The Southern Indians are sometimes called proto-Australoid. They aren't Caucasian, but they are closer related to Europeans than East Asians. Some will have skull shapes that are normal for Caucasians. I've put in a few images so you can see what I mean.

    "The genetic views on race differ in their classification of Dravidians. According to population geneticist L.L. Cavalli-Sforza of Stanford, based on work done in the 1980s, Indians are genetically Caucasian, but Lewontin rejects the label Caucasian. Cavalli-Sforza found that Indians are about three times closer to West Europeans than to East Asians.[15] Dr. Eduardas Valaitis, in 2006, found that India is genetically closest to East and Southeast Asians with about 15% more genetic similarity than to Europeans; he also found that India could be considered very distinct from other regions.[16] Genetic anthropologist Stanley Marion Garn considered in the 1960s that the entirety of the Indian Subcontinent to be a "race" genetically distinct from other populations.[17][18] Others, such as Lynn B. Jorde and Stephen P. Wooding, claim South Indians are genetic intermediaries between Europeans and East Asians.[19][20][21]

    Studies of the distribution of alleles on the Y chromosome,[22] microsatellite DNA,[23] and mitochondrial DNA[24] in India have cast overwhelming doubt for a biological Dravidian "race" distinct from non-Dravidians in the Indian subcontinent. This doubtfulness applies to both paternal and maternal descent; however, it does not preclude the possibility of distinctive South Indian ancestries associated with Dravidian languages.[25]"

    The migration of humans into Australia went via the Southern Asian coast, so they are part of the same colonization wave that ended up in Australia as Aborigines. It's called the 'Beach Buggy' route.

    There was then a very big volcanic eruption that wiped out everyone from Indonesia to Persia. there was then a 'refill' from both sides, so you have a genetic division in India between the Caucasians that came from the West, and the Dravidians that came from the East. It explains their mix of ancestries.

  2. Austronesian and Dravidian are the names of language groups!

    Do you mean ancestral Polynesians and Dravidians?

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