
Questions about being drafted into United States Army?

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I am 13 and someone in my family made a comment today about being drafted into the army. It's kind of rubbing me the wrong way...I am so scared. Fill me in...

How old are you when you get drafted?

How long do you serve?

Do you do training??

Does training count as part of your “term” serving?? Or is it training+serving?

Any jobs beside shooting & killing??

It is not in my religion that you can't fight in a war, but I don't believe in killing people to get what you want. Does that make a difference?

Any likely hood of a draft ever happening again?

Yes, military is definitely NOT what I want to do, but if there is a draft, do you have a choice???

When I turn 18, how long would I be eligible for a draft?

I'm in middle school.

Is it true that if Obama is elected president there is a good chance that a draft will be reinstated??





  1. Currently there is no draft for the military service. There has been talk of it, but that is as far as it went.

  2. There is no draft at the present time. 5 years from now things hopefully will be running smoother.

  3. Don't freak yourself out! sounds like you are highly smart for a 13 year old kid I just might add you to my contact list. First of all this is the United States, you have options, When you reach 18, you don't get drafted into the army, you go to college like everyone else. Only in very dire govenement war situations are you drafted immediately for battle, if they are in need of soldier, but there are usually more soldiers who want to combat war, so you don't have to worry there. Jobs in the military, no matter what branch are planty, from medics to mechanics to advisor to religions to stock room, chefs etc. But it is good to think about what you';d like to do when you grow up. as least you are not dumb.

  4. There is no draft; hasn't been one in over thirty years.  We do not want a draft nor is one needed.  The only people who keep talking about reinstating the draft are the DemocRATS!

  5. there is no draft in the US

  6. There is no draft at 18 you need to sign up with the selective service system. this is the website.

    You need to calm down.  Read that info on the website and don't forget to thank a current soldier or vet for ensuring a draft doesn't happen.

  7. Age: You can get drafted at 18.

    Serving: 2-4 years

    Training: Basic (and whatever else they need you for)

    If you're being drafted, odds are they need you for "shooting and killing" as opposed to being a chef.

    I think you can get out on Religion sometimes. Not sure.

    Draft will happen if we go to war with Iran or Russia, which is more likely under McCain than Obama being elected.

    You technically don't have a choice unless you flee to another country, which can end up bad for you. But, Vietnam deserters got cleared after the war ended and didn't have to pay.


    It's hard to tell because there's only been a draft once, and that was Vietnam. It really depends on the type of war being fought to determine alot of these questions.

  8. I am almost 50 and when I turned 18,  there was no draft.  It ended when I was 16 or 17 and has not been in use since then.  That  was more or less when the Viet Nam war ended.  If you are worried,  you probably should not worry.  The service really does not really want people that do not want to be there.  When I turned 18,  the whole country was sick of war.  The Viet Nam war like the Iraq war was run poorly.  And it drug on forever.  If you think you are going to get drafted,  join the navy or airforce they see little action.

  9. In short, no, there wont be a draft anytime soon.  The only way I can see that ever happening again is if the US gets forced into a global war against multiple countries at once, like China and Russia.  But its not gonna happen, so relax, and enjoy being a teenager!  And just so you know how the military works, if you are totally against killing and fighting people, they consider you a conscientious objector, and you wouldn't have to fight.  You may still have to work some other non-combat job though.  Not sure.  Another viewpoint to consider, if there was a draft reinstatement, it would only be because there is a dire need for more troops for the sake of our country's survival.  If you are of age to be drafted, and our country was seriously threatened, I'd bet you may feel somewhat obligated to do your part, and may willingly do it.  That may sound crazy at 13, but as you become an adult, your viewpoints on many things will change.  Finally, the next president won't be in any hurry to start a draft, and for the past few years, the military has actually been downsizing on purpose.  We're slowly reducing troop numbers in Iraq, and have been for several months now.  I don't think that these current situations will last long enough for you to have anything to worry about.

  10. you may be ... he will need someone to fight the wars he gets us into because of his ignorance and inexperience at world affairs...

    Sure obama will be reinstating the draft - as long as he doesn't need to go... he NEVER served in the military - he's be worse that clinton was on cutting military spending to the point where we will save money and put EVERY service members life in jeopardy.

  11. ...dude...seriously... calm down. There will be no more draft, it would be political suicide. NOBAMA will not cause another draft, just chill.

  12. The only way we would be drafted is if world war 3 broke out.

  13. my older bro joined the army a few years ago so i get where u coming from. i gonna answer ur Q's in order u asked.

    1. In US u rn't drafted, u join volunterily

    2. U serve until u reseighn (the minimum is 2 yrs, max is until death)

    3. and training is a must. all new recruits go to boot camp, some get special training for whatever they join ot do

    4. training is not part of ur service time

    5. and of course there are other jobs beside shooting. u can be a doctor, or nurse, or do video stuff, or comunications, or location, not sure the others

    6. it doesn't make a diffrence to the army, and telling ur family member ur opinion gets u nowhere (trust me)

    7. the draft thing is unlikely, most presidential canidates what ot finish up the war, and they don't like the idea of drafts "too uncivil"

    8. IF a draft happens, no u don't have a choice

    9. After 18 u're eligable till about mid 20's (depending on ur health)

    10. idk Obama's plan for drafting, but i suggest research more

    any thing u can email me here

  14. It will probably most likely never be reinstated unless we go to war with someone like North Korea.

    If you were drafted, there are ways of getting out.

    If I was called to duty by my country, no doubt I would go without fear. I would actually go straight for the Marines. Be proud of your country and your troops.

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