
Questions about being vegetarian?

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when summer starts i decided i wanted to be come a vegetarian. i never ate a lot of meat so i dont think it would be a problem. i jsut have a couple questions...

-the difference between certain types of vegetarians

-what are some staple foods?

-does it help weight loss?

-any other comment sor important things to know!!!




  1. no difference

    what ever u are comfortable eating without any complaints its staple for you....

    yes it helps when u eat in moderation....results can be seen over time....

    be positive and smiling always.!!!!:):):)

  2. check out for information on food and other info on vegetarianism.

    You've gotten some great answers already so I'll just give you my personal experience when I became a vegetarian in regards to weight loss:

    I became one when I was like 12 or something and I was pretty chubby. I dropped at least 20 lbs after cutting meat out of my diet and I've stayed a nice, healthy size since then. I obviously work out a lot, though, and still watch what I eat. I'm lucky to have had parents that supported me in that decision so young.

    Remember that just because you're a vegetarian doens't mean you're healthy. You still have to keep a close eye on what you're eating (and if it's animal free, unless you don't mind gelatin or rennet, i.e. animal bones and calve intestine or something gross like that found in some cheeses). Being an unhealthy vegetarian is very easy if you fill up on Oreos and pasta.

    I hope this helps! :-)

  3. One of the most important issues with vegans is getting enough protein. You must incorporate beans, legumes and/or soy. You can eat any vege or fruit you like and loads of them without gaining weight. Make sure all your grains are whole grains (no white flour). Depending on whether you eat eggs or cow dairy matters too. Humans are the only species on the planet to drink the milk of another species. I ask, why? Soy is great and so is water or juice? Silk milk is a wonderful substitute. All you have to do is cook great vege dishes. Think of it as eating all side dishes. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? It really is. Enjoy and be healthy.

  4. Some vegetarians include dairy and eggs in their diet and some don't.  Either way you slice it, both are still "vegetarians"

    Staple foods in my pantry include veggie broth, brown rice, beans, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, all sorts of frozen veggies, peanut butter, canned tomatoes, whole grain bread, eggs, cheese made with vegetable rennet, fresh greens, fruit, taco seasoning and about 100  other items!  There are many things that are vegetarian friendly that you would not even think of..just learn to read labels.

    Weight loss is about burning more calories then you take in and avoiding junk food.

    **IGNORE Morgin above.  No vegetarian eats any animal ever.  A "pescetarian" is not any type of vegetarian.

  5. First things first. Please do not take any notice of anyone who says that you need to watch your protein, make sure you get enough protein, etc because it's just NOT true. As long as you eat a healthy balanced diet, you will be getting more than enough protein. Most people consume far too much anyways.

    You only really need to eat one-two high protein foods a day, which include: cheese, milk, yoghurt, soya products, tofu,mock meats, all kinds of beans, lentils, peanut butter, brown rice, baked potatoes, eggs, nuts and seeds.

    You will however need to make sure that you are getting enough iron. Iron defeceincy is common among vegetarians and meat eaters alike. Just eat lots of beans, lentils, leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, kale, peas, etc, peanut butter, breakfast cereals, tofu and eggs. You might want to consider taking an iron supplement but it's not nessesary, but I know some people are health consious lol :P

    Also, I might as well add that chicken and fish is NOT vegetarian. Chicken and fish = meat and vegetarians do NOT eat meat at all. Just put two and two together, it's not rocket science :P

    Okay, now I've got that out the way, let's answers your questions!

    -"the difference between certain types of vegetarians"

    Lacto-ovo vegetarianism - does not eat meat (this includes fish and poultry), however they still consume eggs, dairy and honey.

    Lacto vegetarianism - doesn't eat meat, fish, poultry and eggs. However they still consume dairy and honey.

    Ovo vegetarianism - does not eat meat, fish, poultry and dairy.However they still eat eggs and honey.

    Veganism - no animal products at all. No meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs or honey.

    "what are some staple foods?"

    Of course, fruit and vegetables. Carbs such as pasta, rice and bread. Also the high protein and high iron foods that I listed above. It might also be worth doing a google search on vegetarian recipes if you want some meal ideas and to get a basic idea. If it helps you, whenever I go shopping, I always buy a range of fruit and vegetables, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, beans (baked, butter, pinto, kidney), lentils (depending on where you live, you might be able to buy canned lentils), baked potatoes, rice, pasta and herbs and spices (for flavour) lol, I seem to use a lot of those ingredients when I'm cooking things like veggie lasagna, paella, spagghetti bolognese, soups, etc. However if you read through some recipes you might get a better idea.

    "does it help weight loss?"

    That depends. If all you eat is junk then it's defiantly not going to help with weight loss at all, but that's no brainer. After all cookies, ice-cream, pizza, tinned mac & cheese, fries and popcorn are all vegetarian, but if that was all you ate then it wouldn't be very good for you :P However I see no reason why it wouldn't help with weight loss if that's what you wanted, just as long as you ate a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, healthy homemade foods and so on. But then again the same could also be said for a diet which includes meat.

  6. I will help you. :-)

       1. * Lacto- Ovo Vegetarian- no meat, poultry but dairy and eggs.

        * Lacto Vegetarian- Dairy, no eggs/meat/poultry.

        *Ovo Vegetarian- eggs, no dairy/meat/poultry.

        *Vegan- no animal products of any kind.

      Also, many ethical vegetarians don't buy animal skins.

    2. I would say: Mock Meats (especially in the beginning), tofu (firm can substitute meat), soy milk and cheese (if vegan/ ovo vegetarian), beans (good source of protein), frozen meals (I love Amy's) and Ener-G egg replacer (for vegans/lacto vegetarians). Fruits and vegetables are essential. Complex carbs and whole grains, alo.

    3. Yes it does. :-) A vegetarian diet is very limited on saturated fat which is bad for your body and can contribute to weight gain. Vegans tend to lose more weight because of the fat in milks. However, eating alot of processed foods and foods high in fat and calories will not help.

    4. Stay at it, consult with a doctor or RD if you have any health concerns/questions, you can ask any question, any time, and if you have any more you can email me at

  7. That's great you're interested in going veg!

    Vegetarians don't eat any fish. If someone eats no other meat except for fish, he/she would be a pescetarian. (Pescetarianism is *not* a type of vegetarianism, though, because no type of vegetarian eats fish.)

    Lacto-ovo vegetarians: eat eggs and dairy, but no meat

    Lacto vegetarians: drink milk but don't eat eggs or meat

    Ovo vegetarians: eat eggs but don't consume milk or meat

    Vegans: don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy products

    Vegetarians eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. There are lots of fake meats (like Gardenburger Meatless Riblets) that make it easier to be vegetarian. Here's a list of popular veg products:

    Being vegetarian is helpful for weight loss. I personally lost 20 pounds on a vegan diet. As with any other diet, you shouldn't eat too much sugar or junk food.

    Check out for lots of info. Good luck!

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