I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. I am currently employed but looking to do a "career switch" and teach in a lower income district. I live in NJ. I have read online I need to take the Praxis II and also another 6 week course to complete the switch.
HOWEVER, I was arrested when I was 18 on multiple charges in PA. Long story short, I was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time and plead guilty to a mis. of simple possession of drug paraphenilia, paid a fine, and moved on with my life. Everything else was dropped. I am now 28. I have been bonded before (when I was 20) for a job, and have not been in any trouble since then. Would it be in my best interest to get this expunged? I am going to be honest, I don't know if they will as it was in a different state and it was kind of a high profile case for my co-defendants. :-/ I know, it's terrible, so I don't need to hear about that, thanks. lol. Any suggestions?