
Questions about certification?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Sociology. I am currently employed but looking to do a "career switch" and teach in a lower income district. I live in NJ. I have read online I need to take the Praxis II and also another 6 week course to complete the switch.

HOWEVER, I was arrested when I was 18 on multiple charges in PA. Long story short, I was basically in the wrong place at the wrong time and plead guilty to a mis. of simple possession of drug paraphenilia, paid a fine, and moved on with my life. Everything else was dropped. I am now 28. I have been bonded before (when I was 20) for a job, and have not been in any trouble since then. Would it be in my best interest to get this expunged? I am going to be honest, I don't know if they will as it was in a different state and it was kind of a high profile case for my co-defendants. :-/ I know, it's terrible, so I don't need to hear about that, thanks. lol. Any suggestions?




  1. Ask the district in which you are appling. Sometimes they will give you a pass depending on what it was. Getting expunged is the sure thing. All states ask about your record so make sure you don't lie that will kill you.

  2. Definitely get it expunged.  I had an unfortunate misdemeanor as well-an alcohol related incident that was very embarrassing.  I don't know what the law is in NJ, but here in California, you have to have it expunged and turn in your entire file to the teacher credentialing commission before they can certify you.  I just had mine expunged and now it will not come up on a soft search, but during a hard search, done, for example, by the government it may show up.  Therefore, it may still be seen by public schools.  I plan to continue teaching in private school, but one day who knows.

  3. Yes, where I work any kind of problem other than traffic tickets is causing greif for teachers. There was a list of thing we couldn't have on our record I pretty sure drugs was on the list.

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