
Questions about college/math?

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I have a decent education level (I do web development, application development and cove other fields and I am all self taught). However I am always hungry for knowledge. I went to and I am working currently towards there Associates degree in computer information technology (Computer Science) and then going for an associates in Computer and PC Repair. So that's 2 associates degrees. I want after that to head towards my Doctorate in Computer Science over time. Aside from all of that I just recently did a lot of studies in math (I never paid much attention in highschool but now I am hungrier for knowledge than I was back then...So lately I did some personal studies on the side with percentages/fractions and some other stuff. I want to get a full Highschool education again with Math so I can understand it/redo it right. I also want to get a basic college educational of math (Calculas and such) but that's not present in these online courses for college associates degree




  1. You could search for sites made by/for autodidacts. OR, you could look up the books most commonly used by students studying for these degrees and get them (used is good).

    Most college and high school level math is found online. What you can do, is obtain the syllabus taught (can be found on open course ware sites) and then search for tutorials on each topic.

    But the best way for calculus (and mathematical physics) is to get a book. I would recommend Thomas Finney's Calculus as it also gives web resources and TONNES of practice questions. It is a bit weighty, but very very good for basic and slightly advanced calculus.

    good luck!

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