
Questions about cruises?

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-Which is better paying for excursion with the ship or at the port?

-What should I bring?

-How much money to bring?

-Where are the best cruises?

-What are fun excursions?

-How should I get the most out of an cruise?

-How can I save money on a cruise?

Thanks you so much for your help.




  1. I could write a book alone on your questions! I'll do my best:

    -Which is better paying for excursion with the ship or at the port?

    If this is your first cruise, book with the ship. Yes, they are more expensive, but by booking with the ship, you get something you don't get by booking If your bus breaks down while on an excursion, and you've booked through the cruiseline, the ship will wait for your return. If you've book with an outside operation, your bus breaks down and you can't make it back to the ship in are out of luck and will be finding money to fly yourself to the next port.

    -What should I bring?

    Depends on the type of cruise. Are you doing the Caribbean? Alaska? Europe? Just a few of the things I recommend are:

    * a highlighter to mark up your daily schedule

    * a nightlight if you have an inside cabin

    * a battery powered alarm clock

    * plenty of extra batteries

    * a power strip if you have lots of things to plug in

    * a carry-on for embarkation day. It takes the crew several hours to get through the luggage. If there's anything you'll need in the first few hours (medication, etc.) carry it on with you

    -How much money to bring?

    Don't bring too much cash. You don't pay cash for anything on the ship. You get a card that serves as your onboard identification, your room key and your charge card. Plastic is always good in port too, as you'll get the best exchange rate that way.

    -Where are the best cruises?

    Any cruise is what you make of it.

    -What are fun excursions?

    Depends on what you like to do.

    -How should I get the most out of an cruise?

    One word alone......participation. There are tons of activities onboard and you can only have fun if you participate.

    -How can I save money on a cruise?

    * Don't use the ATM for cash. Go to the casino.

    * If you want the drink of the day, ask for it in a regular glass, not the souvenir cup.

    Glad to answer any more questions if you like. Try the following website as well. It's much like the answer boards here, only it is exclusive to cruise questions

  2. Sometimes it depends on the excursions. Some places if you just walk up to them they will give you a discount but then some places won't. Bring a bathing suit if you are going to the Bahamas or Caribbean, sunscreen, nice dinner clothes for the captain's dinner as well as just lounge around clothes. Some things that are comfortable to walk around in/dance in if you go the club on the cruise ship. If you think you will need it take it! I usually take about $500 just to be safe. Not sure what'll I'll buy at port as well as on the ship (drinks!) but I also only take a 3-4 night cruise. Take more if you take a longer one. I love the ones to the Bahamas. I have a family so my husband and I can't stay away from them that long for a 7 day/night cruise so we stick to the 3-4 nights. Any excursions are supposed to be fun...just depends on you if you want to pay the money for can usually find fun things to do that don't cost a lot of money. Do Everything You Possibly Can...Try to go to every show/comedy thing...they are the best! But also find time to rest and relax. Shop around and find the perfect price. Never settle on one website. I cruise with Royal Caribbean and one of our cruises we booked through them well then the next time we booked through Travelocity because if you booked it through them you got some free gifts! Hey worked for us! Hope you all the best in your cruise shopping and have a blast when you finally go!

  3. Royal Caribbean.

  4. We can't possibly answer all those questions here, but you can check your library for books on cruising.  You can also find answers to every possible cruise question at  Click on "Boards" at the top of the page, then choose your topic:  "Ports of Call" will describe excursions at the various ports; "First Time Cruisers" and "Money Saving Tips" have lots of ideas, including packing lists, cutting expenses, etc.

    My advice:

      Fly to your departure port the day before, in order to avoid complications from delays.  {You usually can't do this with cruiseline air, but you can usually get better fares and certainly better routing on your own, anyway.]

      Do your own excursions.  Depending on the port, this can be very easy and will save you money.  You need to make sure you get back to the ship on time - they won't wait if you're late unless you're on a ship-sponsored excursion.  CC has tons of advice about this.

      To save $, don't overdo the alcohol, bingo or casino.

       Don't use the cruise transfers from airport to port and vice-versa.  You have to wait for everyone else to get on the bus and it won't save you money, usually.  When you get back, tip a porter to get you a cab - it's well worth it.

  5. I went this past New Year to the Caribbean On Princess Cruises Grand Princess. I would recommend paying for an excursion with the ship that way your guaranteed to be back on time. I didn't have too much time for shopping on the islands though but that was my choice of excursions. You don't actually need too much money except for souvenirs on the islands. the ship I was on gave you a card like a credit card when we got on board and all drinks and purchases on the ship were charged to that card. But be careful it adds up very fast. Some fun excursions were waterfalls and hikes, caves too. Snorkeling was actually not fun. It was windy and salt water tastes pretty bad. All depends on the weather. Swimming with Sting Rays was very cool. To save money be careful what you put on your ship card if you get one. Certain restaurants on board may not be included with your fare either. They will let you know... Have Fun!

  6. never buy on the ship..they cheat you out of your when you get to the port

    dont bring too much! just enoough shorts and tanks to keep you cool and maybe some nice going out outfits...

    bring about 400

    best cruises are norweigen and royal carribean

    fun excursions depends on where you're going..but then again pick one when you get to the port because they can be about 100 dollars cheaper

    get the most out of your cruise by trying everything you can! go to every restaurant on the boat..try the fun classses they have..and make sure you have some downtime for yourself

    save money by making sure you have everything you need before hand..make a list just in case cuz you can get overcharged if you get sick, bring your own medecin because the ship charges like 150 just for the appointment.

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