
Questions about crushed stone in my driveway?

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we currently have a asphalt driveway but off to one side of it there's just dirt. i want to put crushed 3/8" stone on this side. it rarely gets any traffic so i don't think we need some kind of compression layer or underlayment like sand/gravel...well that's what the people said at the stone place we i asked them. is that correct? should i put some kind of plastic to stop grass and weed from growing? what are some things i need to do to get it ready?




  1. get a good compacting stone it will seal the edges and prevent small cracks from developing and you can put weed block down  or do what I like to do put topsoil on edges and plant grass

  2. you can put down plastic if you want to. But the grass will grow to some extent anyway

  3. use black vinyl for the base. first layer of stone use a large diameter stone, pack down then add a top layer of small stone.

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