
Questions about deployment?

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0 LIKES UnLike much notice do they give you?(what if you're just out of bct,army?) long does it take for them to move your stuff?would it be faster if we just did it ourselves? they pay for plane tickets to get you to the base the soldier is stationed at?

4.on the way home from deployment,do they fly you home?(as in a town,or city)or do they fly them to the base which they are stationed at?

5.lastly.if i wanted to move home(from a base)when he gets deployed, would they pay for that move?




  1. 1. depends on when the unit is moving out. Most know WAY ahead of time.

    2. How far are they moving it? From FL to GA would be a lot quicker than FL to Germany... Is it quicker to move it yourself? Yes, but then it is uninsured and WAY more work, so you have to weigh the trade offs.

    3. Depends they do pay for PCSing, so if they are paying to move your stuff they pay to move you too. If you are just talking about going to visit then no that's on you.

    4. Coming home for R&R they will fly him anywhere he wants. Coming home from deployment they fly him to his duty station, where you go on block leave is on your tab.

    5 Yes they will pay for it, it is called an EROD, Early Return of Dependants, you waive you command sponsership, they move all your stuff and you back to your home of record on his ERB and you CANNOT have your commond sponsership reeinstated when they get back, (which means you can't move back to live with him) so weigh the pros and cons, it might be better off to just leave your stuff there and go home for a visit every once in a while. We did an EROD but we knew we were PCSing as soon as he returned from deployment.

  2. 1 From a few days to a year.  If he is going to a unit that is already deployed, he'll have a few weeks at the least - after being in processed into the installation and his unit.

    2. He has to go and talk to the Travel office.  Depending on where you are - you can have movers there within a week.  DITY (Do it yourself) moves are only good when you aren't going very far.  Watch the packers.

    3. They will pay for your travel , or if you are driving, you will be paid on mileage

    4. R&R gets you as close to home(where he says he will spend R&R) as possible, deployment home gets you back to your installation

    5. No - they won't pay for you to move home or back.

    This is all dependent on orders - if his orders say family is authorized - you get everything moved.

  3. Are you talking about deployment as in to another country or as in to war? If he gets deloyed to war he will have 30 days of leave at home, and then they will ship him out according to procedure.

    If you are talking about something like Germany, or Japan, a nonwar zone, he would have to talk to his local chain of command to see what kind of procedure you would go through, because it changes slightly depending on branch and where he is and where he is going.

    The best advice I can give is to talk to your local chain of command. And check with other military woves around you, they can give you some really detailed personal experiences to help you!

  4. 1: as little as 24 hours to as long as six months.  I have dealt with both.

    2: move ?  as in accompanied PCS orders?   you can pretty much schedule around your needs for the most part.

    3: only for Overseas accompanied orders.  they will not fly dependents CONUS unless you don;t own a car or do not have a DL.  

    4: depends on the type of deployment.  if the whole unit goes.. you come back to the base.  if just an individual goes, they fly you back to where you left from.

    5. No. all expenses incurred would be out of pocket.  

  5. 1. How soon he deploys depends on the schedule of the unit he's going to.

    2. DITY moves are faster.

    3. Do you mean once he's graduated from training? The military has never paid for any of my plane tickets.

    4. The military member will deploy from and return to his home base. If that's not where you live then it's up to you to get the rest of the way.

    5. If you voluntarily move home when he deploys they will not pay for that. The only pay for moves with orders.

    Hope that answers your questions!

  6. 1. It varies. Until he gets to his first duty station, there is no way of knowing when he'll deploy. If he gets to a unit that is already deployed, he can be sent to meet up within within a week or two, or they can decide to keep him home on Rear-D. If his unit is not deployed, but is deploying, he will deploy with them, whether it is a week or 2 years from inprocessing. If his unit is not on orders and is not deploying, he won't either. When/if he deploys is completely dependent on his unit's rotation schedule.

    2. Your husband should contact transportation and start the process of getting you all moved. They can talk him through the process and give him a time frame. The time period just depends on how backed up that particular office is.

    3.Yes, they'll pay to move you to his duty station (and buy you plane tickets) as long as you are listed on his orders. If you are not listed on his orders, he has to have them ammended.

    4. After deployment, he will be flown back to his duty station with the rest of his unit.

    5. No, they will not pay to move you simply because he deploys. His base is your home. If you choose to leave that home, you will lose housing if you reside on base and you are on your own as far as financing your move.  Your BAH rate will remain that of his duty station.  

  7. much notice do they give you?(what if you're just out of bct,army?)

    enough time to get your things done that have too before deployment long does it take for them to move your stuff?would it be faster if we just did it ourselves?

    faster to do a DIYmove

    4.on the way home from deployment,do they fly you home?(as in a town,or city)or do they fly them to the base which they are stationed at? dont understand, why would they fly you home if your soldier is deployed? unless you mean the soldier home.

    5.lastly.if i wanted to move home(from a base)when he gets deployed, would they pay for that move?  no.

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