The classic view of evolution is that random alterations in the biology of individuals make some more adaptable than others to their changing environment. These adaptive traits are “selected,†and the fittest survive in succeeding generations until, eventually, a new species evolves.'
It seems to me that the sting is in the last five words.
1. Why is this asserted as fact when it has never been observed? I have heard of the black-winged moths surviving better in sooty conditions, and human selective breeding of dogs, as examples of this, but in neither case has a new species been created. Creatures like fruit flies and rats have gone through millions of generations, with no new species being created. Ok, a rat with serrated teeth would have an advantage with opening plastic packets, but it will still be a rat, able to interbreed with others. How and when could it develop so far as to be a new species? Wouldn't that cut it off from the breeding pool anyway?
2. I have heard that 'modern humans appeared about 200,000 years ago, which I have no wish to dispute, but this sort of figure argues a fairly rapid appearance. Before, there were hominids. There are no 'missing links'. How could a creature so different appear so quickly on the basis of random mutation agreeing with natural selection?
3. As for natural selection, doesn't nature prefer a steady state? That is, there have to be fast antelopes, to escape the lions and breed, but there also have to be slow antelopes, or the lions will go hungry.
BTW I do not believe the world was created in 4004 BC or the literal truth of the Book of Genesis.