
Questions about folic acid?????

by Guest32327  |  earlier

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do you have to go to a doctor first , for his advice if u can take folic acid for pregnancy? or u can just go to a store and use it?? and when should one use folic acid during pregnancy and after how many months must i stop taking it?




  1. R360 is correct -- you can purchase folic acid over the counter.  I'd start taking it right away, even if you're not going to start trying right away, just to be on the safe side.  Continue taking it until you've finished breastfeeding.

    A multivitamin will typically contain 400 mcg of folic acid.  As for how much you should take, this is where getting some prenatal advice from your MD or a nurse comes in... if you have any family history of neurological defects, he/she will most likely prescribe a higher dose (which you do have to get filled in a pharmacy).  For example, I'm taking 4,000 mcg/day because I had a spine-related birth defect.

    I put a couple of links below that provide some good info.  I hope this helps.  Good luck to you!

  2. If you can get hold of elevit over the counter do it they are a bit dear but worth it,it has everything you and bubs need from folic acid to all the nutrients they recommend taking it a mth b4 falling prengnant apparently it can help you concieve you can take it through ur pregnancy as well as breastfeeding.Good luck.

  3. Buy the supplement in the vitamin section of the store.  I believe they recommend 1000ug (micrograms) a day.  Or you can take a prenatal vitamin which will have that amount.  

  4. All you need to do is take a good prenatal vitamin that has atleast 400 mcg of Folic Acid.  You do not need to see a doctor before taking prenatal vitamins, it can only help as long as you follow the directions on the label.

  5. Yes you can just buy it at the store. It is so important to start taking it before you start TTC so you have time to build up your storage. My husband and I are going to start TTC in January but i have been taking folate for a while now, all women of childbearing age benefit from taking a folate (folic acid) supplement just in case she would get pregnant and not be trying. It is so important to take before you start trying because most neural tube defects occur within the first 21 days after conception, when most women don't even know or just find out they are pregnant.  

  6. you can get it in any pharmacy without a prescription and doctor's usually recommend to start taking it 3 months before you start trying and stay on it till at least after your 1 trimester.

    I believe 1 recommended tablet a day should be sufficient.  You should also be taking pre natal vitamins.

    Good Luck and babydust

  7. just take your prenatuls it has the right amount for you to be taking while pregnant

  8. They say you should take it up to 14 weeks before trying to concieve and then for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. You dont need to go to the doctor, you can get the tablets in a chemist.  You only take one per day as the mg are already designed for women trying to concieve.

    Best of luck to you

  9. Folic acid can be purchased at the pharmacy or supermarket and you don't need to speak to your doctor first. Ideally you should start taking folic acid 1 month prior to conception. Take the recommended dose for pregnancy every day you are pregnant and during breastfeeding. Don't stop taking it during the time you are pregnant.  

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