
Questions about getting my learners permit.?

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Is the Learner's License test hard?

What kinds of questions are on it?

Are the questions multiple choice?

What is the best way to study the handbook? I can't focus enough to just sit there and read it.




  1. highlight whats important. use pretty bright colors too.

  2. Not at of the easiest tests I've ever taken. The questions are straight out of the book. They don't try to trick you or anything. Just read the book over a few times and you should do fine. I know the book seems so overwhelming. But it's not near as hard it looks.

  3. I found the written test hard, only because YES, it is multiple choice, but the choices they give are VERY similar..

    The kind of questions, from what I remember

    1.. When parking uphill on a curb, what way do you point your wheels? (this will also be on the road exam)  (The ONLY time you point your wheels out, is UPHILL, with a curb, ALL other circumstances, you point the wheels in)

    2... When there is an approaching vehicle, when should you dim your head lights?  (I cant remember for sure, but I think the answer is 150 metres)

    3.. When parking, how far should you be away from the curb?

    4... Whats the speed limit in a school zone? (To me, this is a trick question, which I failed!, the answer is 50klm per hour, like in ANY OTHER resedential AREA!)

    5... When a stop sign is ahead, how far should you be away from the stop sign when parking on the road?

    6... When following behind a firetruck, how far back should you be?

    7... They also have diagrams.. One I remember is "when making a left, and the street you are turning onto has TWO lanes... which lane do you turn into? the center (passing) lane? or the right lane...  (You pull into the center lane, and emmediatly put your right blinker on, and change lanes)

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