
Questions about high school?

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Are people really that mean to people? Is it hard to make new friends? Do people pick on u for the way u look?




  1. some people are mean, some people are nice. that's how it is everywhere. it's not hard to make new friends if you are social and talk to people. sometimes people pick on you for your looks, but they might just be playing around. it's not that scary.

  2. depending on where you live if your going to be a freshman all other classes will pick on the freshman in general for a week or so.

  3. Theres lots of that stuff in high school. Really people willmess if you Are as soft as a tissue let them know whos boss they'll back off. and,looks don't worryunless you got someting crazy going on people will make crude remarks to make you feAll like a loser cause they are losers just let them know u don't like that c**p they'll back off stay in your crew and stay tough. People are like chihuas in high schools all they can do is BARK WHENit comes to a real fight they be RUNNIN. SO  ENJOY stay away from all that gangbangin and DRGS. Have a great time make memmories. Just don't be afraid of anyone cause people think u's afraid they want BEEF!!hIGH SCHOOL BE THE BEST IN YOUR STUDIES STAY  IN MANY ACTIVITIES AND TRY TO REACH THE HONOUR ROLL CAUSE BELIVE ME five years later you won't remeber anyone froM highschool like enemies. JUST DON'T LET ANYTHING COME BETWEEN YOUR STUDIES. stUDIES fIRST THEN frIEND pOPULARITY fIGHTS AND ALL THAT DRAMA. be prepared for college then! Then ask about college :)!!!!

  4. when i went into 9th grade it was was fine, i mean i didn't get picked on or anything, and i met some pretty cool people. As long as you don't start things and you be yourself. Yeah, some people will pick on you for your style, i know some guys who wear super tight pants and people are like "omg he is soooo skinny, what a f@gg0t" which is ridiculous, you just cant let that stuff get to you

  5. nah.. well unless u have a bad experience in making new friends, try join in to clubs/activities.. u could meet ppl wit the same interests as u. in my school people pick on emos lol i agree tho haha i hate emo

  6. not all of them, most of the ppl are really nice. just be nice to them and they would treat u back the same way. just hang out with the right ppl and u would be fine. =]

  7. Depends on where you're at.  I had a great time in high school doing my own thing and still have a lot of friends from it.  That was suburbs though *shrugs*

    As for how you look... I mean, don't try to stick out wearing suspenders or really tight pants or anything... unless you're REALLY into that stuff and you'll be fine.

  8. in my school, people can be mean, but if you don't bother them, they don't bother you. it wasn't too hard for me to make new friends. it's awkward at first, but it gets easier. in my school, people didn't really pick on the nerds or anything for the way they looked. we pretty much all got along. hope i helped and good luck!

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