
Questions about jet lag?

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going to England in July, live in the States. 6 hour difference and only 4 day trip. Getting there on Sunday, big concert with VIP tickets on Monday. Getting back Wed. night, back to work on Friday afternoon. Should I expect to get so run down that I become ill or so cranky I get fired? I have purchased some recommended essential oils to relax/perk up, Melatonin, and NADH. Is there anything else I should be stocking up on? I know about the hydration thing (was hoping to snooze a bit on plane too though, 8-9 hour flight.) Any other ideas?




  1. If you can sleep on the plane that would be the best thing. As you know keep yourself hydrated, and take some multivitamins to keep you going.You'll be right as long as you keep the alchohol to a minimum. Have fun

  2. a few days or a week or 2 before leaving get used to their schedule and time. go to sleep when they do. wake up when they do. that way your used to the change already. sleep on the plane that way your awake and refreshed when you reach your destination. when you get back to the states sleep as much as you can that way you get plenty of sleep and are refreshed for work on friday. have a fun safe trip xD

  3. On Friday afternoon, you will be exhausted, but you can manage it if you have Thursday to rest.  In addition to the rest, hydration, etc. you can try this homeopathic stuff called No Jet Lag.  I am not a big believer in homeopathy, and I have no medical degree, but I tried it on my last trip to Europe and it was my best experience ever with jet lag.  I plan to use it again this year. (I don't work for them or anything like that.)

  4. just change to their schedule a few days before you leave

  5. jet lag Gemini....thats the answer

  6. Don't drink coffee it will only make it worse.

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