
Questions about joining the Military?

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I have a few questions about joining the military, please forgive the stupidity of them.

1) Do you receive an equal amount of weapons training with any branch? I.e will a navy recruit receive as much training on guns as an army recruit?

2). Do you receive an equal amount of survival training regardless of branch?

3.) How long does it take to become captain of a ship in the navy?

4.) How often are paratroopers used anymore?

5.) What is an acceptable weight for a 5-foot-6-in 18 year old to join?




  1. 1. Each service tailors its training to its mission . A Marine or  Soldier will train more with small arms than a Sailor or Airman.  Bye the way, if you go in, drop the word "Gun" from your vocabulary, unless you are an artilleryman or you are referring to a male s*x organ.

    2. No, Sailors will swim more.

    3. First you must become an officer, then you must learn the trade from the bottom up.

    4. The Army has a division (the 82nd Airborne) and the Marines have a large number of jump qualified Marines.

    5.Between 117 & 160 lbs (google "AR 600-9 for the army's weight regulation)  

  2. 1. no. Army and Marines get more weapons training. Also depends on what job you get.

    2. no, all different

    3. I'd guess at least 15 years

    4. yes they are used all the time

    5. depends on which branch of the service you want to join. You can weight the most in the Navy.  You can't be fat in any branch of service before you join, meaning they won't wait for you to lose it in Basic Training.

    6. You should already know how to swim or you shouldn't be joining the Navy.

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