
Questions about joining the air force/army reserves?

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I’d prefer responses from those experienced or related to those in the service. Thank you

These are some things I’m concerned about if I joined the air force/army reserves:

--> Am I able to live in my hometown or wherever I please, and if not what am I limited to?

--> What types of jobs are being deployed less frequent or for shorter time periods and vice versa?

--> Am I limited any jobs I want in the civilian life?

--> I understand it’s almost inevitable to be deployed somewhere that is much closer to battle, but what jobs in the reserves are most likely to keep me out or put me in harms way as far as being near any ground fighting situation?

I am an 18 year old high school grad of this year with no motive to continue college courses at least for now. However I have the dream of supporting a wife and kids some day and i know the reserves can help.

Thank you for taking your time to help me with my concerns and potentially the beginnings of my life.




  1. 1. As a reserve, you live where you are.

    2. If you want to be an Airmen then you shouldn't probably concern yourself with deployments (you won't see much action). Army Reservists, on the other hand, are deployed often and I believe their deployments last at least a year regardless of MOS.

    3. Your job in the military, or MOS, depends on what you qualify for based on testing.

    4. Army --> anything non-infantry

  2. Hey friend how is it going? Alright straight to the point.

    1. Not really wherever you please, more like what jobs are open in the area around you. For example you can live 30 miles away from where you report to. 1 weekend a month and for the 2weeks in the summer, in the army you can go pretty much anymore. Being in the reserves does not affect where you live, you still live at home.

    2. Well Can't really say or predict which jobs go more often or less than others, its an infinite variable, but combat MOSs will definitely et more time over there.

    3. What do you mean you are limited? I doubt it, if anything it will open more doors to more civilian jobs.

    4.You can be an admin job in the army, which will probably put you on base, or a mechanic in the AF but still, you run the risk. But then again why would a Finance Specialist be doing an infantryman's job right? That kind of thing. So look into admin jobs at GOARMY.COM make sure you click reserves though bud.

    I'm 19 and done with my first year of college, but I'm looking for a little bit more in life. And reserves will help you as well! Just put your heart into to it. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  3. You live in your hometown but will commute to where you drill is.  I have to drive about 50 miles some people drive further than that.  You can live where you please as long as you make drill.

    When you deploy you stay with your unit for the same amount of time it doesn't matter what your job is.

    You might be limited based on ASVAB scores and some jobs require a clearance.

    If you have to convoy you never know when you will be in harms way.  There is no safe zones out in Iraq.  Just because you are not ground fighting doesn't mean then will not have rpg's flying in your base.

    Reserves don't pay much and the benefits are not the same unless you are on active duty.  Best do some research before you make you final decision.

  4. Look, you are trying to cheat the system and it's not going to work.  If you live near a base you definitely wont have to move, while you are in the reserves.  However, as a reserve, you can be called on any day.  There is no telling what they will assign you to or where.  If you want to be more sure you wont see battle go into the airforce, other than the pilots (which takes great training and to be an officer) you wont really see too much, but you could be on a base that gets attacked.  That is all I can tell you.  Really, don't join the reserves if you are too afraid to defend this nation from whatever, whoever throws at it.

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