
Questions about life in Mexico?

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1. What do you eat? What type of foods are in your refrig or home?

2. Could you describe the types of homes in your country and the one you live in.

3. Please feel add anything else unique or interesting about your country.

I am asking 27 different countries I found on Yahoo! Answers, thank you.




  1. Beans....and weed...there is alot of weed in mexico

  2. we eat a lot of beef, chicken, and fish (prepared very spicy)

    use onions, garlic, peppers,

    sometimes we have other meats like wild hogs/boars (javalin they are called) rabbit, and other tasty wild meats

    in my uncles ranch everything is considered organic

    free range cows, chicken, and eggs taste as good as the stuff from whole foods and central market

    houses vary by region but in bustamante nuevo leon the houses are made from adobe and are very large (every one has very large properties) and some are decorated with fountains, colorful gardens, and many fruit trees (fig, avocado, orange, lemons, pecan, pomegrade.) also the best avocados are from bustamante (you eat the really thin green skin on the avocados and you cannot find any one like them anywhere in the world)

    unique... Mexico has some really attractive women but stay away from the ones in Juchitan... they are very controlling

    just read this american article

  3. 1- meat, all kinds of fruits and veggies, eggs, beans, tortillas, bread, cereal and frozen things for when i dont want to cook

    2- i live in a good neighbourhood in the suburbs in Queretaro (border with the US) there are big individual houses some with pools close b a golf course. my house has 4 rooms two stories big garden,terrace with a bbq.

    3- everyone is really cheerful and joyful the food here is great. it is more of a family county few nightclubs and bars.

  4. Okk in my refrigerator i have: milk, meat, ham, veggies, cheese, cream, chicken, butter, yogurth, bacon, eggs, beans, tortillas, canned chilis, and some other food already cooked.

    Well about the house thing it depends you can see many beautiful houses and also crappy houses, i live with my dad and my brother, we have 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 bathrooms, bath tub, like 300 square meters indoors, 3 parking spaces, a small yard with a couple of trees, a back coutyard, 2 floors, and that's about it, satelite tv, and wireless broadband dsl internet if you're courious =P.

    Well unique idk cause im used to live here, but well i live in a students town with like 150000 people, and you can see many tourists too, i've known many foreigner people in here, many americans coming to study for a year or 6 months also....

    Hope this can answer some of your doubts

  5. It's all about poverty because their government can't be held accountable for them. The U.S.decided they would be, so that took the load off Mexico for being a country responsible for its economy.

  6. 1. in my case most of the type my fridge was almost empty (expet for eggs, beans and soup)

    2. most of them made out of adobe, no a/c no heater and some of them had dirt floors

    3. mexico is a very poor country but u at the same time is such a beautiful countru full of traditions, people and places like no other place in the world..

    I'm proud to be mexican ! No matter what!

  7. Well we eat mexican food lol and there are a lot of places that sell pizza but some taste different than the pizza in america. The types of homes vary from place to place, but were I live the people have very nice big homes because it houses are easy to improve your self and it doesn't cost much. My dad added another floor to our house and we are middle class people but in mexico we have a much bigger house than we do in america. There are a lot of different people here not only phisically but there are people that have different cultures different views on things and there is always something to do when your in mexico and just being there makes you want to be more social.

  8. México es un país de pobres, la mayoría de las personas, no hay tantos lujo como en otros países que hablan ingles, los hogares, la mayoría son pequeños, incluso pueden medir de 4.5 metros hasta 8 o 9 metros de frente de una casa como muy largo y de fondo como máximo unos 15 o 25 metros cuando muy grandes, y son muy costosos aunque no lo aparentan, la comida es muy variada, siempre y cuando tengas dinero, lo interesante de México, es que tienes que saber al derecho y al revés todo lo qua hay, hablar muy bien el español, y no tener celulares en la mano, o joyería de oro, plata, y relojes de plástico, porque muchos de aquí en México matan personas por eso, a menos que tengas influencias, poder, o fuerza física y mental para enfrentarlos, y tienes que hablar el español muy bien, porque hacen muchas trampas a las persona, en resumen México no es un buen país ni para vivir ni para visitar, pero lástima que aquí me toco vivir.

    Mexico is a country of poor people, most people, there is no such luxury as in other countries who speak English, households, the majority are small, they can even measure 4.5 meters until 8 or 9 meters in front of a house as very long and a maximum depth of about 15 or 25 meters when very large and very expensive though not appear, the food is varied, as long as you have money, the interesting thing for Mexico is that you have to know the right and upside down everything qua there, speak Spanish very well and have no cell in hand, or jewelry of gold, silver, clocks and plastic, because many people here in Mexico kill why, unless you have influence, power, or physical and mental strength to deal with them, and you have to speak Spanish very well, because they make many traps to the person, in brief Mexico is not a good country to live or not to visit, but sad that I lived here.

  9. Hola. I eat beans and drink Corona.

    I also live in a tar paper shack.  Hunting with rusty steak knives is a family event.

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