
Questions about my 2 month old bunny.

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I have noticed that my rabbit often has clumpy p**p, and i haven't changed his diet, he is fed hay and pellets. I was thinking maybe it's because he hasn't been eating as much hay, but I'm also not sure how I am supposed to get him to eat more of it. Also my bunnies bottom teeth have started to grow over the top teeth, he seems to eat fine though (besides his hay) and he has tons of chew toys, but he doesn't seem interested in chewing. Will this become dangerous for him to have his teeth growing like this, or is it okay as long as he keeps them short.




  1. The teeth problem is called malocclusion. If it is not taken care of, the teeth can over grow and he won't be able to eat. Pull his lips apart. If the teeth are matching (on top of each other) then it is mal, if the bottom teeth are over the top teeth it is also mal. You will have to have a vet clip the teeth. Don't worry there are no nerves in their teeth. If they continue to grow back the same way, you will have to put her down eventually.

    For the poo, that is totally normal. You may want to cut back on the hay. More pellets. Make sure that it is not loosing weight

  2. Younger rabbit's have clump poo, it turns into pellets as they grow older. Just as long as his diet isn't too water based, but if like you say you're feeding him hay and pellets then no cause for concern, just make sure he's clean, so he doesn't get any illness' =)

    As for his teeth, as long as it doesn't affect his eating, no worries. But if they do get too long then the vet files them down ^-^ My guinea pig had that and the vet just filed them down. But rabbits have long front teeth anyway, nothing to worry about probably. Still if you're really worried, or it affects his eating, just take him to the vets.

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