Hey guys. I just recently bought a beautiful pastel ball python and i have a few questions. Background info: snake is a baby, <19in long. It is housed in a 10gal tank with substrate.
First: Tank set up. I have a heating pad under a hiding spot on one side, and a bowl of water on the other side. I also bought a heating lamp because I am in the northeast and I didn't want it to get too cold in the winter. I have a thermometer in the middle of the tank, about 1.5 inches above the substrate. I also have a hydrometer. The temperature when the heating lamp is off reads between 70-75, and with the heating lamp on, 80-90, depending on the time. I also keep my heating pad on all the time. I read somewhere that the heating pad heats 20 degrees higher than the ambient temp. is that always true? So does that mean my snake is feeling temps of 90-110 degrees? I think that's bad for the snake, but I don't see how that can be true. Also, I turn on the heating lamp during the day to simulate night/day. Where should I put the lamp? on the "hot side' where the pad is, or above the water bowl?
Second: I'm having trouble feeding the snake thawed mice. I tried yesterday to no avail. I fed it a live one a week ago, and it ate it, but i now need to feed it frozen ones (limited access to live mice). I used tongs and wiggled the mouse by the tail, but it didnt take it. I am going to try again today with a new one, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Third: Shedding. How long does the process take? Aside from cloudy eyes, what signs should I look for?