I just got a kitten about a week ago. He's roughly 9 weeks old and I have some questions about him.
1) When should I take him for his first vet visit?
2) What shots will he need at first and how much will that cost?
3) At what age should I get him fixed and what is the cost of that?
4) I've decided to dewclaw my kitten. I'm worried about the pain it will cause him. I heard of laser declawing. What are the pros and cons of it. And how does the price differ from that of regular declawing? Will I have to go to a special place if I want to have the laser declaring done?
5) My kitten loves to chew, bite, and claw at my cords. How do I stop him from doing this? Or is there a way I can conceal my cords from his view? I have 2 computers out in the open and several gaming consoles.
6) So far, he's a pretty well behaved kitten. I heard of people using a spray bottle filled with water as a form of punishment. So that when the kitten does something he's not supposed to, he associates the naughty habit with the water. Is this an effective method or is there any other way to punish him.
7) bathing and grooming... Is there an easy way to do this. I know cats are very clean. But, I'd like to give him a bath every now and then. He squirms so much, I can't hold him on my own, thus causing a big mess. I know people take their dogs to get groomed, can you take cats, too. Like for a haircut or whatever.