
Questions about my newborn baby?

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My newborn is 3 weeks old, and I've noticed a bit of snot in his eye. I'm guessing he's catching a cold. I'm freaking out because it's my first baby and I thought I was being very careful with him. I'm both nursing and formula feeding, because I want him to have my immune system. but he doesn't get enough of my breast milk. What can I do to get him healthy again? I feel like a horrible mother.

Also, we've left the formula (similac concentrate) in the fridge uncovered for a day, because we didn't have any ziplocks. I'm also worried about this. Also he rolls onto his stomach and sleeps alot and I'm worried about that too. Yeah.. He can roll over :/ Help? ><




  1. He can roll over at 3 weeks???  WOW!

    Take him to the pediatrician and asked if it could be a clogged tear duct.

    Even if it&#039;s a cold (which is probably isn&#039;t) he will be fine.  Babies get sick.  I know it&#039;s scary as a 1st time mom but he&#039;ll be fine. are NOT a horrible mother!!!

  2. With the eye thing - could it be a blocked tear duct? I have heard that some babies have that for a while. Maybe at your next well visit, you can mention it, unless you notice other issues before then.

    I think the formula is probably fine. As your baby gets older, you&#039;ll find that you get less and less &quot;anal&quot; about things. I can&#039;t believe it&#039;s been 4 months since I had my baby and I remember the first several weeks really being worried about every little thing!!  

  3. Hunny he&#039;s fine..its your first baby you need to relax:)

  4. The snot on his eyes may mean that he has a blocked eye duct which is very common with newborns. My baby had that too and the doc prescribes some ointment to put in her eye and also told me to massage the inner corner of her eye. If they give you the ointment, the easiest way to put it in his eye is when he is sleeping. Newborns sleep ALOT, so don&#039;t worry about him sleeping alot. He&#039;ll start staying longer periods of time in a few weeks. My cousin let&#039;s her baby sleep on her stomach since that is the only way she will sleep. My baby hates being on her stomach. I think it is all a matter of preference.

  5. Your son probably has a clogged tear duct - this is normal. You can use a warm wash cloth and wipe his eye from inside to outside a couple times of day to help. if it persists for more then a week then you could make an appointment.

    If you need to increase your milk supply then you need to have him nurse more. Prolactin (the hormone that produces milk) is made on a supply and demand. He needs to ask for the milk in order for the milk to be produced. So if you truly want to just breastfeed then take the weekend off and keep your baby close by and nurse on demand the whole weekend with no supplements - this will increase your milk supply.

    If he is rolling over on his own there isn&#039;t much that you can do for him - make sure that he is sleeping on a hard mattress, there is no soft, fuzzy blankets, stuffed animals or bumper pads in his crib.

    The formula will be okay even though it wasn&#039;t covered.  

  6. Don&#039;t worry this is quite normal but it is good to clean it out.

    Best thing to use, despite how nuts you think I am in saying this, is breast milk. Express a drop and dip a cotton ball or pad in it and gently clean it.

    Cooled boiled water will work to.

  7. Squirt some breastmilk in his eye! Trust me! I thought it was weird too but that&#039;s what my midwife suggested when my baby had snotty junk in his eye. It cleared up within a day.


    rolling over hes just ahead that&#039;s all and its not ur fault hes sick if he has like a play mat but it in his room where the Humidifier shoud be and play with him so he gets that clean air

  9. OMG you sound like I did, My son is now almost 12 months old. Trust me it will all be okay!! I look back and see how bad I freaked out about everything and I laugh and apologize to my poor husband lol. Its fine! He is fine. Just go on with his constant feedings and dont worry about the formula in the fridge its ok. As far as him rolling over there is nothing you can do. Just make sure there isn&#039;t alot of blankets pillows and things like that and he will be fine. My son did the same thing.

    As far as his nose just suck it out with those nose sucker things

    (I have no clue what its called) breath, relax and try to enjoy him while he is so small they grow in the blink of an eye.

    He will be fine. He is tougher then you think.

  10. Same thing happened with my baby. It&#039;s a clogged tear duct and happens with almost all babies. Just put warm water on a cotton ball and clean the stuff out. Also, my pediatrician told me to rub some breast milk on it and massage the tear duct a few times a day. He&#039;ll be perfectly fine!

  11. My son had the same thing when he was born. Massage the corner of his eye several times a day with the end of your finger. Some people even use a warm wet washcloth to do this. His tear duct just needs to open up and start draining.

  12. Take him to a doctor.

    Clean the eye with warm water on a cloth, it will also help it drain if you use this for awhile as a compress.

    Let him have more breast milk, by not rushing him, and burp, relieve gas/air intake more often.  After burping, he will go back to sucking if hungry, and he won&#039;t feel as full or air.

    Sleeping is a little sign of something that is just a bit off.  I believe he should get his chest stethoscoped and a bit of bloodwork, ASAP.

  13. Babies often get blocked tear ducts which make their eyes icky.  Just bathe it in warm water, saline solution, or breastmilk.

    If you want to continue on breastfeeding I strongly suggest you get some help, in person, from a qualified lactation consultant.  Starting supplements and bottles before 6 weeks is very likely to result in baby refusing to nurse or mom &quot;drying up&quot; but 3-6 months.

  14. He&#039;s not sick.  Don&#039;t worry!  The same thing happened with my daughter.  Her doc explained that it is blocked tear duct.  That happens often.  Just clean it with warm water, then with a little Vaseline rub under his eye.  Make  a backwards #7, under his eye start at the outer corner and run your finger in and then down the side of his nose.  Do this a couple times a day and it will clear up in a couple weeks.  my daughter&#039;s cleared up after about 6 weeks.  Get a sleep positioner for $25, it keeps the baby in place.  As long as the formula was in the fridge you should be good. Congrats and Good luck!

  15. The eye drainage is probably either a staph eye infection or a clogged lacrimal duct.  This is very common in newborns, but it needs attention.  Take him to the pediatrician.  He&#039;ll probably order an eye ointment for it.  

    The formula is supposed to be covered and I wouldn&#039;t chance it with a 3 week old.

    As far as him rolling over, provide a barrier with rolled up receiving blankets or buy the &quot;baby stays&quot; to keep him from turning on his stomach while he sleeps.

  16. I would call your Doc and have him check your little guy. Your best bet is to call the doc and relax.

  17. It sounds to me like a clogged tearduct which is very common.  My baby (now 9 1/2 months) had a clogged duct for the first 3-4 months of her life.  Her doctor said that the duct clears up on its own but could take up to a year.  Clean away the goop with warm water on cotton.  It would look worst in the morning or after naps but usually happens all day.  If the eye looks red or swollen then it could be a worse problem and you should check with the baby&#039;s doctor.  If you are still nervous then call the doctor and a nurse will talk you through things.


    Buy powdered formula instead.  Cheaper and easier to keep.  You should be ok with the day old formula.

    Sleeping a lot is normal for a 3 week old.  Try to keep him on his back with a baby positioner.  He can roll boy!

    Good luck and don&#039;t be nervous.  Babies a hardier than they are thought to be.

  18. We&#039;ve had the eye thing with both of my boys.  With the oldest, it opened up when he was a few months old.  My newborn still has the problem.  I just massage from the corner of his eye outward a few times a day.  You can also use a warm washcloth.  With my first, our pediatrician told us it&#039;s very common, and almost all babies&#039; tear ducts open on their own.  I think she quoted like 1% have to have medical intervention.

    As for the rolling in sleep, have you thought about purchasing a sleep positioner?  This will help keep him on his back.

    Good luck!

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