
Questions about online publishing pricing?

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I am working up a website...

Where I will be selling various pieces of my writing. Some of my stuff on there will be free..but what should I charge for other things?

And will they sell?





    I'm not going to say that it's impossible, because it's not. But I also want you to be aware that fiction is often a much tougher sell than non-fiction.

    So if your goal is to sell your novels and short stories, I suggest you start building up a following of readers.

    That means contributing some of your work to other short story/poetry websites. It also means posting lots of your own work on your website - perhaps a blog would be better in this situation. Your goal should be to get your name and work on as many writing websites as you can. And with each story you write, you're going to lead readers back to your own website for more.

    Once you do that you'll begin building a fanbase. And it'll be a lot easier to sell to a group of readers who already enjoy your work.

    For more writing advice, check out Absolute Write .

    You might also want to participate at SFFWorld (Science Fiction Fantasy) . Being in communities like these will allow you to see what other writers are doing to promote and sell their works.

    Good luck and keep on writing!


    It's hard to answer this question because:

    1) You haven't said what genre you focus on,

    2) We don't know what's going to be free, and what exactly you want pricing advice on.

    You have nothing there so far, so you need to better explain your situation.

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