
Questions about periods, pads, tampons [girls only]?

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I'm on my second period and it was about a week later than my first one after one month. So I have some questions to ask:

1. How long are you supposed to keep a pad on? Like how many hours before you change it again? Cause I'm not really sure...

2. If you try a tampon for the first time, will it hurt? I want to try it but I don't have any...

3. How come I can feel the blood coming out? That's so weird!

4. After the blood comes out, it kinda leaks. I mean like I have a pad on and then it just leaks to the back and my butt gets all bloody! It's so annoying! Especially when I'm sitting! So is this normal?

5. What should I carry my pads in when I'm at school? My mom doesn't have any extra make-up bags. And I don't want to just put it in my bag cause I carry a tote for school. And what if there is an accident? What should I have for an emergency kit?

6. Sometimes, the blood is clumpy... I don't know what this means. Any comments?

Please answer all of these questions the best way as possible! I really am new to this! And my mom doesn't know I have my period, I think...

Thanks! :]




  1. 1_ change every 1-2 hours if ur a heavy flow! if ur not really that heavy try 3-4!
    2_if you stick it in far enough and put it in right, it shouldnt hurt. but girls have different results. some find pads more comfy:)
    3_ you usually can feel it because its running against ur skin onto the pad. it'll be ok. you'll get used to it
    4_same thing happens to me on some days:/ but all you need to do is get one of the pads that are longer, like the overnight, but not that thick.
    5_you could put some in a ziploc bag and keep it in ur purse. i have a zipper compartment for mine, but that may not be in every purse. so try that or try to put them in ur backpack and put it in ur jacket/pants pocket when you use the restroom.
    6_it is perfectly NORMAL. It's just ur skin and blood mixed together. probably some disharge-like liquid too.

  2. can a girl thats had her period help and answer me on

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