
Questions about pet chickens.?

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I plan on getting my dad a few pet chickens for his birthday.

Where can I buy chicken feed?

What materials do I need to make a chicken coop for about 3-5 chickens?

Other than food and water, what other items will I need to care of the chickens?

Thanks in advance. :)




  1. I'd suggest you do a little research, lots of info on Internet.  

    First, does your dad WANT chickens?  What exactly does he want them for?  Just pets, or to lay eggs or what?

    Chicken coops are easy to build.  Chicken wire from the lumber yard or hardware store and something to hold it up (2 x 4 lumber and fence posts, probably)..  If you live in an area with predators (including the neighbors pets if they run loose) you will need a top and bottom.  If no real danger around, it can just have tall sides around a patch of yard.  And a warm place to roost-a stick in a water-proofed wooden box or barrel or shed will work.  Size of the pen and roost depends on size and maximum number of chickens.

    Get a water-er that they can't get so dirty and a feeder they can't scratch feed out of.  That would be found at a feed store or a place like Atwoods Farm and Ranch stores.  If you can afford 2 of the waterers, that would be good, just to make sure they never run out of water.

    Other items?  Not much, a nest box and save used egg cartons if they lay eggs, a mite-icide powder to keep bugs off, a way to clean up p**p, sunshine when possible, a way to keep rain off is good-a tarp on a porton of the enclosure will provide that and shade too, that's about all I can think of.  Chickens aren't too demanding!

    If he wants just pets, consider bantams.  They are small, tough, and have lots of personality.  I had a banty hen who would ride on my shoulder some and follow me like a puppy.  She was a real character and a friend.  

    Live well and do good.  Hope that helps get you started.

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