
Questions about prolonged period?

by Guest44558  |  earlier

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ok so i have been having a period since may 1st. It is driving me nuts. Sometimes it slows down but as soon as we have s*x again it starts really heavy again and sometimes we don'tt even have to have s*x i can just be sitting and i will feel pressure and go to the bathroom and sure enough it has started heavy again. I cant take birth control because i am allergic to it. I am tired all the time. Has anyone ever had this happen to them. It is causing strain on the relationship. I want children so bad too and am afraid i wont be able to. PLEASE HELP




  1. You should get a thorough workup with your ob/gyn.  You could have polycystic ovary syndrome, or just one very large cyst which could burst.  Also, there is a possibility of endometriosis or fibroids.  I would get it looked at ASAP.


    i am sorry, but something is wrong. You need to see an OB/GYN asap.

    If you are lucky, you have something like an endometrial problem.

    but until you get checked, it could be much. much worse.

    When you call to get the appt., tell them you have been having what you thought was a period for over 3 months.

    they will get you in soon.

  3. Yahoo Answers is not a doctor.

    Your doctor, however, IS a doctor.  Go figure!

    Ask someone with some professional experience backing them up--not the internet.

  4. GO TO A DOCTOR!!! that isnt good. If I period lasts more then 10 days you are suppose to see the docotor. You could have a serioud problem.  

  5. seriously, go to ur doc.  this is not normal.  i'm sure u will be fine, but u need an expert.

  6. See your doctor immediately, like the other answerer's have said a period lasting that long is not normal.  Your doctor can prescribe something to stop your period as well as check you out for any other more serious problems.  It's better to get checked out sooner than later especially when it could possibly effect your fertility and you want to have kids.

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