
Questions about "The Bridge of San Luis Rey"?

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Hey everyone. I'm doing some last minute work on some summer reading assignments, and I'm having a bit of trouble with a few of the questions on "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" by Thorton Wilder. I read the book, but I've also had to read four others, and because I read "The Bridge" first, my memory is a bit hazy.

I'd simply Sparknotes it and re-read the chapter summaries, but unfortunately it isn't there. So I was wondering if anyone else might be able to give me some guidance regarding these questions.

My first question is, "Which character's death that the greatest effect on those left behind?"

My second question is, "What lesson is Wilder trying to express about man's attempt to find meaning in the world?"

If anyone could give me even the slightest bit of help on these questions, I would be immensely grateful. Thanks so much! <3




  1. Very slight help, sorry...

    I highly recommend renting the movie. Though it&#039;s not exactly like the book, it should serve as a nice refresher. The version I recommend is the one that came out in 2004. It may not specifically answer your questions, but it should remind you of the answers from back when you read the book. DO NOT USE THE MOVIE AS YOUR DEFINITIVE SOURCE. Double check with the book for facts.  Good luck!!

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