
Questions about raising kids vegetarian/vegan ?

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is/has anyone here raised vegan/vegetarian kids? or been a vegetarian/vegan your whole life? because i'm a vegetarian and i want to raise my future kids vegetarian. i know to mkae sure they get protein, blah blah blah.

anyways, i have a couple questions:

-was it hard to make sure their friends knew they were veg? did you have to send food on playdates?

- were they ever teased about it in school?

-did they remain vegetarian/vegan? when did they stop?

-how did you tell them why they were veg? how did they take it?





  1. My son has always been vegetarian.  (He's 7)  When it comes up, he just says "I don't eat meat."  When asked why, he usually replies that he doesn't like the smell.

    No one has given him a hard time about it yet.  His school is very accommodating.  And yes, I send food with him EVERYWHERE.

  2. I went vegetarian at 8 and 11 years on, I'm still a vegetarian.

    Luckily I was never teased at school over what I ate. There's nothing wrong with raising a child on a vegetarian diet provided they get the nutrients they need.

  3. okay well ive been raised as a vegetarian by my parents and my age is... p*****n i  guess ?

    i wasnt teased in school much. maybe just one comment or two. i got over it

    i had to tell my friends this and we usually just snacked. otherwise my friends parents just made pasta or pizza. they adjusted quite well.

    my parents never told me why i was veg.

    its funny bcuz my mom is a veg.

    my dad is not.

    and my mom got to me since birth and etc.

    and then i just got grossed out by thought of eating something alive.

    however i stopped being a veg when i was around 5 years old, for maybe 6 months

    i tried it, i thought it was gross still, and i switched back on track.

    mostly kids ask you WHY

    and i didnt really have an answer... i just told them i thought eating something that was alive makes me feel bad. and its gross.

    but they still question.

    sometimes a few ppl who didnt like me called me names.

    but i just walked away.

    honestly, i take pride in being a vegetarian.

    you should use lentils, and all the foods you eat to make them nutritious.


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