
Questions about starting MMA?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been wanting to take MMA for a while now and im finally going to be starting later today they have a fighting team for $100 a month i could train with them/spar and learn new things. They said i can come in at anytime and try it out. To be honest, im nervous. can anyone give me some heads up as to what it would be like? I dont have any experience and i think im going to be the smallest and youngest person there

Any info/ tips or anything would be greatly appreciated.




  1. my son is a yellow belt black stripe  in karate , he does not do MMA yet,  we also have another son that is a purple belt in MMA and I would not let anyone spar with him unless they had started out in karate or  something like so, because they do alot of Muay Thai and you are subject to get your but kicked, it is not as easy as it looks.

  2. @ first its really hard, cause ur not really use 2 the new warm ups and u dont know the basic, but bout after a week it gets better

  3. the only way for your to get the training and experience you need is to participate in the team. If you're really serious you need to get over your nerves and just train. the more you train and spar and become a part of the team, you'll get better nad your confidence will grow. just do it

  4. go for it !!, there is nothing worse then regret. Also, be confident, everyone there has had those same butterflies too.Confidence is the name of the game in life, if you aren't confident then you won't succeed.

  5. MMA is cool, the younger the better becuase you will have more experience by the time your there age.. and if your small and quick then you will also have an avantage over them.. Martial arts is nothing to be afraid of.. its a controlled art, not beat the heck out of each other h**l house.. its normal to be nervous becuase you have no idea what to expect and thats always hard on a person.. expect to have fun...get exercise.. learn alot.. and be more confident in a fighting situation, if you would feel more comfortable start out at a traditional martial arts dojo for a cheaper price.. 100 a month can be hard financially on a younger person  but if you want to be in MMA then go for it in the end it doesnt matter how much money you spent if you are pleased with your knowledge

    Hope this gave you a little more comfort in your decision

  6. zen mind beginner's mind, dude

    leave your ego at the door and expect to get your butt kicked

    You may be the baddest kid around, but you're not there to prove to everyone how tough you are; you're there to learn

    don't rush things

    If people there are cool they'll be careful not to beat your head in or anything, they were all once beginners too, and should remember it

    Don't believe anyone who says you have to go all hardcore right from the start, and don't train anywhere where you feel guys don't care if they hurt you

    The MMA road is a long one; the last thing you need is some knucklehead giving you an injury at this early stage

  7. i don't know much about mma but i do know that there are better fighting forms out there that are more beneficial and useful to learn.  it's wrestling.  no, it's not even that.  it's guys rolling on the ground hugging each other.  wrong. yuck.

    take a real martial art.

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