
Questions about starting Online Business?

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Im thinking about starting an online business but would really like some advice from people

What software do you use to run/organize your business? I got Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate about 2 weeks ago in anticipation of attempting to start one(found it on Craigslist for cheap). If you use that do you know of any easy tutorials on how to use the program and all its features?

If you have a website did you create it all yourself or use a site that makes creating a website somewhat easy? (Yahoo, etc) I don't know html or how to create a website so do you know any good free or low priced sites that I can make a decent looking site with ease?

How did you go about getting your logo/tradmark/copyright?

What email services do you use for your business and how much does it cost per year/month? You have any recommendations?

And I know this might seem like a weird question but I have to ask...if you have an online business is there a way to sell online WITHOUT paying taxes?




  1. I own my own event planning business ( and it costs me a lot of money to get it up and running. And I haven't even made my money back yet. But I started a network marketing company a couple months ago, and I doubled my money in 9 days. You may want to think about all the costs you would be putting into your business and then figure out how quickly you will get it back. You can check out the other website if you want. I work within the VOIP industry.

    There's a video on there you should check out

  2. 1. Microsoft Office has a help tool. You can type keywords in it and the help tool will spit out answers. :)

    2. There are many free web templates online. Search for 'free web templates' on Google. A good free web editor is NVU which can be gotten from

    3. There are many talented graphic designers on the web. Elance is a great place to find freelance graphic designers who can do a logo for about 50 bucks or less. These days, copyrights are instantly 'activated' once you create something, so you don't actually have to register it. Just place a copyright notice on your work.

    3. Aweber is the most widely used auto responder on the Internet. It costs about $30 a month and you can build a huge mailing list with it :)

    4. You can sell online without paying taxes if you don't earn a certain income level (for example, in Singapore, if you don't earn $20,000 year in net profit, you don't need to pay taxes). You'll have to check with your local authorities to confirm.

    Fabian T

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