
Questions about the Amazon rainforest. Read on please, ok?

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1. Give at least five reasons why people want to save the forest.

2. Give at least three reasons why the forest is being cut down.

3. Give five specific ways people across the world are helping to stop the destruction of the rainforest.

4. Opinion question: Is it possible to save the Amazon rainforest, or what is left of it? Why or why not?




  1. You obviously are in an environmental class and you can't come up with these answers on your own? How sad for you, no opinion or critical thought. Besides these questions are so easy my cat knows the answers.

  2. Lets ask Kelly L's cat? Its worth a try due to lack of imagination. 1a)paper products. 1b)carbon monoxde. 1c)maintain steady fundation of ground. 1d)animal homes and 1e) GOD would like that. 2a)paper products. 2b)buildings

    2c)Greed 3a)hey wait a minute... this isn't MY homework...  gotcha Kelly L... my apologies... my bad.

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