
Questions about the Industrial piercing? Please?

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What is the smallest size gauge that you can get with an industrial?

Are they hard to take care of?

How is the healing process?

If I have to take it out later in life do the holes close up eventually?

Thanks for all the help guys!




  1. There is usually only one size that you get an industrial and that's a 14 gauge.

    they aren't that hard. just clean it for the first couple weeks and don't play with it a lot.

    the healing process is okay. it's tender for the first couple weeks but after mine was completely fine.

    yes, if you take it out it will close up. and you can't see the holes when you take it out because it's covered up by you're ear wheere it kind of folds over. but they will close up. just like any other piercing

  2. Well, the standard size is 14g, but how small the piercer is willing to go will probably differ from artist to artist.  I can't imagine that they'd do below a 16 though.

    They're not that hard to take care of.  You clean it 2-3 times a day, don't touch it with dirty hands, and take extra care when removing clothing and brushing your hair.  Healing can take up to a year though anywhere in the cartilage area.

    Depending on how long you keep it in and how your body heals, for some people the holes will close, for some they'll shrink, for some they'll always be there.  It's impossible to predict.

  3. I am not sure about the smallest guage, But i have had my nipples,tongue, naval done.. And they each were cared for different. I would not say any of them were HARD to take care of, Just a careful process not to get infected... I think it all depends on how well you took care of the area and for how long you had the ring in as to if it will close up eventaully.   btw what are you wanted done?

  4. I am not sure about the gauge size but i think standard size is a 14 I think that is what mine is.

    Its not hard at all to take care of just make sure you get the spray and keep it clean with q-tips.

    Healing process for me was cake i cleaned it like i was supposed to sprayed it like i was supposed to and it healed within four months, i know a girl that she didn't take care of hers properly and it never healed correctly.

    The holes should close eventually the girl who didn't take care of hers healed completely after she took hers out.

    Make sure you get it done with a needle because if you get it done with the gun it will mess up the cartilage in your ear.

    Good Luck I love mine, make sure thats what you really want before you get it cause its a little painful but not TERRIBLE.

    Again good luck be safe, make sure you go to a sterile place.

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