
Questions about the element "Silver".?

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hey guys, I have a hard question for you but if you help me ill give you best answer, i have a few questions about the element silver:

What was the year that the element "silver" was discovered, and who discovered it?

what was the reason they called it silver?

what do they use it for in both early and recent times

the cost of mining/obtaining the element

its atomic number and characteristics

its properties.

please help me, I dont expect you to try answer them all, but please give me a hand on answering it out.

Thanks Sam




  1. You can look it up on line, you know.  See attached.

  2. Peek here

  3. here's the answers

    (1.)  silver has not been invented by any certain person. Silver has been known since ancient times and has long been valued as a precious metal, used to make ornaments, jewellery, high-value tableware and utensils (hence the term "silverware") and currency coins

    (2.)   (i have just mentioned the source) The word "silver" appears in Anglo-Saxon in various spellings such as seolfor and siolfor. A similar form is seen throughout the Teutonic languages (compare Old High German silabar and silbir). The symbol "Ag" is from the Latin for "silver", argentum (compare Greek αργυρος [argyros]), from the Indo-European root arg- meaning "white" or "shining".

    (3.)  earlier siler was just used for making stable tools and as coins

    at present A major use of silver is as a 1. precious metal,  

      2 In dentistry                        


    .3 In photography and electronics


    .4 In solder and brazing

    .5 In mirrors and optics

    .6 In nuclear reactors

    .7 As a catalyst

    .8 As money

    .9 In medicine

    .9.1 As a medication

    .10 In food

    .11 In clothing

    .12 Silversmithery

    (4) atomic number 47 heres the properties:

                    Physical properties

    Color silver

    Phase solid

    Density (near r.t.) 10.49  g·cm−3

    Liquid density at m.p. 9.320  g·cm−3

    Melting point 1234.93 K

    (961.78 °C, 1763.2 °F)

    Boiling point 2435 K

    (2162 °C, 3924 °F)

    Heat of fusion 11.28  kJ·mol−1

    Heat of vaporization 250.58  kJ·mol−1

    Specific heat capacity( 25°C) 25.350  J·mol−1·K−1


    Atomic properties :

    Crystal structure face-centered cubic

    Oxidation states 1, 2, 3

    (amphoteric oxide)

    Electronegativity 1.93 (Pauling scale)

    Ionization energies 1st: 731.0 kJ/mol

    2nd: 2070 kJ/mol

    3rd: 3361 kJ/mol

    Atomic radius 160  pm

    Atomic radius (calc.) 165  pm

    Covalent radius 153  pm

    Van der Waals radius 172 pm

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