
Questions about the evolution of the female body?

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Questions that i really want answered/discussed :

1. Why don't women have a p***s for urination? Wouldn't evolution dictate that the p***s is superior for urination, and give women one because it's inherently safer to

stand, than to sit, while relieving ones self?

2. Why didn't women develop a p***s equivalent not used in the reproductive cycle?

Doesn't having just a hole feel like god is punishing you ???




  1. Your question assumes that standing is the superior bodily position for urination without making any case for why that might be. If that assumption were true then we would not be so unique in bipedalism. There is no reason for nature to select for upright body positions while urinating. If standing was the preferable body position for vulnerable moments, then we would naturally also sleep while standing. That's a problem  right there with your question, but I know where this assumption comes from.

    Aristotle summed up your argument quite well thousands of years ago when he presented his hypothesis that females were "misbegotten" males, a deformity so to speak. This assumption has been used since then to buttress arguments for male superiority. As it turns out, all humans begin not as males (nor as females as many in this post have stated), but as androgynous - exhibiting neither maleness nor femaleness. Scientists studying embryo and fetal development noticed that early fetuses appear to have no p***s and a cleft instead which resembles female genitalia. The assumption that we begin as females was based on the notion that the presence of a p***s determines maleness. As we have discovered, maleness can exist without the presence of a p***s. A male without a p***s remains a male but simply has no p***s. He does not become a female. This false idea led to the false conclusion that humans all begin as females.

    What actually happens is much more complex. Androgens and estrogens (along with many other hormones) interact with the developing fetus to create a male or a female. Other forms are possible such as hermaphrodites (displaying both male and female) and androgynes (displaying neither male nor female) and everything in between. These anomalies are  rare, but more common than we think. About one in 4,500 babies are born with "ambiguous genitals."

    In any case, the development of dioecy (the separation of a species into female and male) occurred millions of years before humans, even mammals existed. Plant fossils show indications of dioecy dating back to the Cretaceous period (144-65 million years ago). Animal fossils (fish and shark) show indications of dioecy (almost dating back to when plant life was still limited to algae) in the Ordovician period (490-443 million years ago). Before that animals were hermaphrodites (as are modern snails) with several interesting and complex variations.

    Basically, the answer to your question is that males and females evolved long before there were terrestrial organisms. The genital structure of males is designed to deliver sperm into the genital structure of the female which is designed to protect developing young (in animals that reproduce sexually, through copulation). This is why the male organ exists outside the body rather than inside the body as does the female organ.

    If you think about it a bit, having your gonads (both males and females have gonads btw, in females the gonads are properly called ovaries and they perform equivalent processes to create gametes) outside your body is very precarious. It is more likely that a male will fail to reproduce due to injury to his gonads since they are vulnerably located. Fortunately (for the species, not for the individual male) we only need a few males to reproduce so the loss of one here or there to to gonadal damage  is of little consequence to the evolutionary process. This is why males have not evolved to have internal s*x organs.

    It is true, however, that the earliest life forms were one celled organisms which had neither gender but procreated asexually through cellular division and mitosis. We call all cells "mother" and "daughter" cells to show that we consider the ability to reproduce to be inherently female. I believe that this is as faulty an idea as the idea that human embryos are all female, only becoming male if androgens are present. In reality, not everything is male or female. There is neither, there is both, and there is everything in between. No divine punishment need be blamed for this. This state of affairs is at once both natural and good.

  2. Having one's genitals on the outside of the body is not as evolutionarily superior as having one's genitals within one's body.  The female evolved first and then later differentiated into a dimorphic species with a slightly altered, stripped down, more expendable and less equipped placebo version of a female half that we call "male", the two halves then mingling in more complex mixtures genetically which strengthened those early species in several ways.  The actual transfer of the "drone's", so to say, genetic material back into the more reproductively complete female half required a coupling mechanism and thus males got stuck with a floppy highly vulnerable external reproductive organ.  Pay attention in biology class.

    Edit:  I must admit that a male p***s is significantly easier to insert a foley catheter into and maintain sterile procedure than it is to cath a female's urinary anatomy.*x

  3. I sometimes wish I had a d**k, just as you probably sometimes wish you had a *****. "God punished?" both of us.

    The evolution ideas are stupid, we evolve together, but as far as fine tuning, we have obviously got the smarter parts. As far as peeing standing, we have evolved so as not to need safety while doing so, however, women can in fact pee standing neatly with practice.

    The whole idea of needing a d**k to **** things to feel satisfied is just the dimension you're in. You don't have more lustful s*x just because you feel needed. We feel needed too.

  4. 1. Why men have a wrinkly ball sack dangling right between their legs? Wouldn't evolution dictate that the absence of a s*****m is superior for movement, and minimize it because it's safer not to present such a juicy target to an opponent during a fight?

    2. Why didn't men develop a retraction system for their dangly bits, to avoid them getting in the way when running, swimming, climbing etc.?

    Doesn't having to constantly adjust your package feel like god is punishing you?

    And don't tell me 'it never itches', I SAW what you did there.

  5. that's just BIZARRE ! If ALL women had penises, how would the human race procreate ? - then what would become of Yahoo Answers ??

  6. No I don't feel like God is punishing me because 1) God is not my God and 2) having a hole does not bother me and when you think about it having an erection publicly is more of a punishment because you can't hide whats on your mind.

  7. If anyone is really serious about the evolution of women, you should read Elaine Morgan's,"The Descent of Women".  She is from Wales and has some interesting ideas.  Also a terrific and humorous writer.

  8. 1. having a p***s does not necessarily help one survive. technically, sitting down to urinate is a concept developed by civilization and is not natural

    2. see above

    3. no. not really. hahahah

  9. NO.  Squatting while peeing lets you hide behind bushes, and safely stay out of the line of fire.  Standing puts your head up out of the trench and gets you a bullet straight through the brain.  They way women are built allows urine to wash over the genitals keeping women cleaner in the general area of the b******e.  It's like having a built in showerhead in the "down there" area. ALso, being small chested without a wee wee gives women the ability to "run like h**l" to get away from predators without having something flopping around distracting us while we run.

  10. OK 1st you have to realize that all babies start off being formed the same way and that the DEAFULT gender is female.  That is an evolved trait because only need 1 man for multiple women so ALL babies start off as women and during development the Y chromosome kicks in and the baby changes.

    So that is kinda why on both counts.

    As to why not an external organ for urine release well there is no biological imperative for urine function to be is waste ejection so wouldn't matter....only reason p***s is external is because it is supposed to go INSIDE the v****a to deposit sperm...the urinary tract kinda went along for the ride during the development of the p***s in order to make less complications.

    in either case you urinate while running or moving....yet BOTH men+women have the same hole for p**p...think about it

  11. You have to look at the p***s in the context of all other animals. The p***s, you see, is old than humanity. That is, our penility is greater than our humanity. The point I'm getting at is that even simpler organisms which don't even stand upright have penises and vaginas; therefore, said organs are older than squatting or standing up.

    Standing or squatting is secondary to the organs. This is why women don't have penises.

  12. all babies begin as female; did you know that? In some, the clitoris develops into a p***s; in the lucky ones, it remains a clitoris

  13. Why do you want women to have a p***s? Dude.... you're g*y.

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