
Questions about the first day of school?!

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I, like almost all other students going to a different school, am really nervous about the first day of school! You see, I used to be kind of un confident last year. But the thing is, I've had a major confidence boost. My personality hasn'y changed much, but I fear that my friends may be shocked that insults, name calling, etc. doesn't really get to me anymore! Basically what I'm asking is, how should I act on the first day of school? Like a semi-confident hot-head, or the high confident person I am now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mean and all that, I just sometimes come off that way. ^_-




  1. Well... dont be a "hot head" just be yourself!  =]

  2. My Grandme're number one phrase, "Dont let the world look you down, keep your eyes focused on your goals and dreams." In high school lots of my friends changed from my freshman year to senior year. Though I did not disregard them even though some turned snobbish. As a true friend I still was there for them, when times became tough. People who are rude have a deep secret of bitterness in there life.

  3. Don't worry, you'll do fine, just be yourself! Changing school environments can have a big effect on you, but no matter what, remember that true friends will like you no matter what!

    Good luck and have in 6th grade!

  4. Act how you feel

  5. just act normal like u doing now

  6. act the way you feel but don't act semi confident.  

  7. wat ur ok the way u r my e-mail is

  8. dont act s****. whatever you do.

    if you make acidents announce them (or tell someone) and laugh about it .      =]  

    make friends  

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