
Questions about the iTouch.Can anyone help?

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I really want one of these things but they're so friggin expensive, i might have to just settle for a zune.the wifi is pretty much whats got me sold but what else does this gizmo have that worth getting it over a zune?does it come with games?can u download itunes games?any extraordinary features worth mentioning?and can it work as a gps?thought i saw some photos with it haveing a map program




  1. Hmmm...Do you really think a Zune comes with a Touchscreen? An accelerometer that could detect if you're placing the device horizontally or vertically? Wifi? Google Maps, Mail, Stocks, Weather? Does out dear Zune have an application market built right into the device where you could download games and other awesome applications? Could you read an ebook on a Zune? Could a Zune have IM? Push technology?


    The below stated requires modding of an iTouch which Apple doesn't support but I do! :P

    Could you modify a Zune to play Quake on it? GBA games? Download Youtube videos and download stuff from the Internet? Make your own theme for a Zune? NES games?

    I think the answer to ALL of the above questions are NO! I do not know about the GPS but I don't think there is yet.

    Oh, and I wouldn't recommend buying an iTouch now because a new one is coming out in September but the exact date is unknown. It is a rumor but there are tons of supporting evidence and its almost confirmed. Just wait for a bit dude, you won't regret it!

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