
Questions about the peace corps?

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If my wife and I were to join the peace corps, would we be able to request where we would like to be assigned? Any additional advice would also be appreciated.




  1. You get to request regions (Latin America, Africa . . .) but the more flexible you are the more likely you are to get an invitation.

  2. Obviously, you and your wife *would* be placed together.  There are 8 regions in the Peace Corps: Central America, South America, Caribbean, Africa, North Africa & Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Pacific Islands, and Asia.  In your application, they ask you which regions you most prefer. Once you get to the interview, they will again ask which regions you would prefer to go to--you can say where you want to go, and also say where you don't want to go.  Personally, I said it didn't matter where I went, but I was concerned about S.E. Asia because I have a very difficult time physically keeping down their style of food.  

    Any time you say you prefer a region, you need to have a legit reason--ie. I want to live/work there because I want to focus my future career around the region, I did ___ studies in college and really believe it would help me integrate with the culture better, the region really focuses on teaching/health care/etc and that's what I want to focus on.  Things like that, that are legit, as opposed to "It is supposed to be beautiful" or "I like the food" or "we've always dreamed of going there" -- even if it is one of those, find a better way to express it.  Same for telling your recruiter you don't prefer to go to a region. You can't just say "it is too hot" or "I don't like the food" or "it doesn't interest me." If it is so hot that you break out in hives--that's legit, if you can't eat the food because you are allergic or can't keep it down (like me)--it's legit....I'm sure you know what I mean by now.

    Also, they really want people to be very flexible. The more flexible you are in where you're willing to go shows them that you'll be able to be flexible and adapt better in country and that you are very focused on helping. (we all are, but they don't want to think someone is side tracked for whatever reason).  Sometimes people who get TOO stuck on a region end up not even being accepted (I saw messages from this couple who INSISTED they be placed in Latin America because they wanted to be fluent in Spanish, and absolutely refused to have their nomination be in Africa, even though their skills fit africa beautifully. In turn, they couldn't suit their needs and I believe they weren't accepted.  So even if you have your heart set may be placed in Europe! People learn to adapt and nearly always end up falling in love with their country.

    Sometimes, even if you say you really don't want to go somewhere, you may still be placed there. But it's still an adventure and a life discovery.

    Also, keep in mind that while they do place couples, it is harder to place them--thus it is likely your wait will be longer than a single person since they must find a site that needs 2 people and the skills that you both have.  Sometimes it takes longer to place and invite couples, but if you stick it out, you'll get there! And I bet you'll love every minute of it.


    Youth Development/Latin America/August '08 Nominee

  3. I just asked this question (kind of. Not married) and was told that you can request a certain place and they will take it into consideration, but you need to be flexible and don't have your heart too set on a certain place! They'll send you where they feel you will do the most good, where people of your skills are needed. If the place you want to request is active, I think you will have a good chance of being placed there, but the application process does take a long time, so be forewarned, the position you wanted may have closed up by that time.

  4. My best friend is finishing up her tour with the Peace Corps later this year. When she signed up they asked her to list the 2 or 3 places she would most like to be stationed. It wasn't a guarantee that she would be assigned to her but she lucked out and got what she wanted. Incidentally, she knew a married couple who had joined together and were stationed together. The wife got sick and was sent home, so the husband was given the option to go with her, which of course, he did. Good luck!

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