
Questions bout college? a bit nervous asking but here it goes ill be Xtremely gr8ful to anyone who answers all

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1. are the classses like auditoriums where you sit in rows and the professor talks like wayy down there with a microphone, because of course there are so many people that i heard its not like a class instead you sit in a sit next to a bunch of other people? is it really like that?

2. is it just a lecture, whenever i read class description it always said "lecture" since there are so many students, is anybody allowed to ask questions, or does the teacher just talk and you take notes....

3. i heard you sit really close to everybody, since it's an auditorium, so does anybody ever talk, or make jokes, or have anybody else laughing and making the teacher angry. or it's just you come to class and just zip it? \

4. is there an actual bell indicating that class starts, i was thinking that since there are so many classes going on at the same time it would be a bit distracting.

5. any food allowed? are you allowed to eat anything during the class. im thinking it might be distracting though




  1. Stu has it pretty right, a lot depends on the prof.

  2. 1. it depends on what school it is, my college had a max class size of about 30 or 35 people,  bigger schools have more  auditorium style classes which is kind of like sitting in bleachers

    2. lecture classes means the teacher talks instead of group work and such, you are still allowed to ask questions, usually philosophy and sociology classes are like this

    3. you are  not shoulder to shoulder with anyone                                            , spacing is similar to high school and you can talk when the teacher isnt talking, like in high school, but in my school if the teacher hears you talking they curse you out of throw you out

    4. no bells that ive heard of, just set cell phone alarms for your classes, college if generally easier on attendance

    5. if the teacher allows you, i know drinks are allowed but food is probably the professors choice

  3. 1. Yes, generally freshman classes are like that.

    2.You can try, but it is rare. The professor has office hours. He also has a TA who does all the leg work for the professor.

    3. Quiet is the rule. If you don't like it , you leave.

    4. No bell, you are a grown up. Come in and go out when you want. Some profs. do take attendance.

    5. Yea, it is usually a university policy, though

  4. 1. not in my school, although every school is different. universities and colleges can have "auditorium" size classrooms, and regular 30 students classes

    2. they use "lecture" to indicate "class" from "labs", when you're in "class" it's called lecture, aka teacher talking/assignments/test anything that you have in "class" in high school, and "lab" is lab

    3. in my school, i only know of ONE ROOM that is "auditorium" like, its not as big as a real auditorium but its like one, the seats and a stand/podium/mic for the teacher....since we dont sit like "auditorium" style, we have talks and group discussions....i did have class before in the "auditorium" room, and we (students) still talked....and because our class sizes isn't as big as probably most other colleges, we do ask the teacher questions and whatnots DURING class

    4. no bell...actually not all classes start and end at the same time, so a bell would be really distracting...especially for certain teachers

    5. some teachers dont care much about food/drinks...some are strict about it and will tell you on the first day that food/drinks/cellphones are not allowed....but they arent that stricted that they will literally kick you out of class...but they will tell u not to do it again

    by the way...professor and teacher isnt much difference....u will end up calling some of them by their first name instead of "Mr. Mrs. Ms." followed by their last name.....but some do prefer just their last name (without the "mr. mrs. ms.")....i dont think i have used "mr. mrs. ms." since ive started college

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