
Questions/concerns about tcc...

by  |  earlier

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my husband and i are trying for a baby, have been for a few months. we were totally sure i was about 2 to 3 months ago, even posted a few questions on here and everyone else agreed that with my symptoms i was, blood test came back negative and i was a wreck. just went through the same thing this week. so now i'm really curious....

1: can conception times be genetic? my mom got pregnant really fast with me while using 3 forms of protection.

2: can ovarian cysts interfere with anything, or perhaps egg production?

3: is a very light reddish/brown discharge for 2 weeks in place of a normally heavy period normal?

i know i should go to a doctor, but i won't have health insurance until october that would cover ob-gyn. and i don't trust doctors, too many common illnesses share symptoms with major problems, and i'd rather have advice from others with similar issues.




  1. i'm not sure if conception times can be genetic...

    i do know, however that ovarian cysts can interfere with ttc. i have polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) and it took me 3 years of ttc to finally get pregnant. i ended up having to get an hsg, take a few rounds of clomid, and use some preseed in order to have success.

    and i don't think that spotting for 2 weeks is really normal either. it has happened to me when i've been really stressed out, i had spotting for 38 days or something crazy like that.

    going to the doctor of course, is the best thing, but i understand that you want other's opinions from experience. doctors ended up helping me a lot, but i was lucky enough to find docs who knew what they were doing and genuinely cared about me.

    most importantly in your ttc endeavors...relax. take everything one step at a time, and have fun trying!

    these sites really helped me out:

    Good luck to you and BABY DUST!!

  2. ?

  3. 1: can conception times be genetic? my mom got pregnant really fast with me while using 3 forms of protection.--No I dont think so

    2: can ovarian cysts interfere with anything, or perhaps egg production? --They can interfere with egg don't "produce" eggs. You are born with all the eggs you are ever going to have (men on the other hand produce sperm constantly)

    3: is a very light reddish/brown discharge for 2 weeks in place of a normally heavy period normal? --No, you should go see your doc.

  4. I suggest seeing a doctor as soon as possible but until you're able to do so I would do some research on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Basically, pcos just fools your body into thinking its pregnant. That's why you keep getting the symptoms but negative results.

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