
Questions for Australians that have visited America and Americans that have visited Australia?

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I live in Brisbane, Queensland in Australia. I hope to move to the US one day and would love to live in a city or state that is similar to Brisbane or Queensland. Anyone help me out with this? Include reasons and what state or city is similar.




  1. yep, sounds like you'll be moving to florida then

    florida has similar weather to brisbane, and like queensland it is also a popular retirement destination for people from states with a cooler climate. oh, and it has theme parks.

  2. i'm not an Aussie or been to Australia, but if you are gonna move to the U.S. the best city to move to is San Francisco, California. it pefect weather it not too hot, not too cold, it so much diversity & culture there, the people are really nice & the city it self is just beautiful. people say L.A. or N.Y.C. is the best places to live but i think there fooling u & if u can't get to S.F. my hometown San Diego, California is a great alternative

    PS. do u know is guy?

  3. Temperature wise, Florida's the closest you'll get to southern Queensland. They don't have anything like north Qld. I've been to Miami in Florida and hated it - sort of like everything bad about the Gold Coast multiplied many times . Melbourne (yes, in Florida) reminded me of Qld in many ways. I think I could live there, but it wasn't as laid back as here and the people weren't as friendly.

  4. I live in Brisbane too, and although I have never been to the States, it is something that I plan to do, sometime in the future.

    After doing a bit of research on this, I think California or possibly Florida would be the most similar states to Queensland. (weather wise)

  5. I have only been to the east cost of America - and I live in Bris.  I would probably suggest California as far as weather goes.  But you will be dissapointed.  I was expecting such wonderful things when I went to America - all I found were dirty cities and too many people who don't care about anyone else.  (Ok, I am generalising of course but that is what it felt like to me.)  The beaches were grey - the skies were brown and no one was ever especially nice to us while we were there.  Now Canada was a totally different story - but the weather there is not so nice!!!  I will also tell you that LA is not somewhere you would want to live.  But you have to go to Disneyland or Disneyworld when you go to the USA - they are the best things about the country!  Definately a must.  Anyway, hope I haven't seemed too biased - that was just my personal experience from going there that's all!  Your experience will hopefully be a lot nicer.

  6. yeah im from sydney and i used to want to move there too until i went there for a holiday and i realised how much i missed australia. i have nothing against america, but its just so different to what we're used to as aussies. trust me, you will miss vegemite and nice tap water and the beautiful beaches etc etc. i have no idea what states are simlar though so this answer is probably completely off topic lol sorry

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