
Questions for Braces?

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I'm getting braces this Wednesday and wanted to know what's the best color I should get, and what foods I should and shouldn't eat all answers will be much appreciated!





  1. I think you should get a plain color the first time but when you get them tightened each month, you can like have a contrast or pick your choice.

    Don't chew gum because if you do, it'll get stuck to your braces and it's hard to get it out.

    Don't eat too chewy candy or caramel.

    Eat soft foods at first but don't eat too hard foods. After many days, you'll get used to braces and you can eat almost like anything, really. But try out of gum and what else?

    You should eat icecream!! :)

    And, I think pink and black are really nice brace colors. Try getting those.

  2. For the first week you won't be able to eat much at all. Your teeth will hurt.

    After the pain wears off you should only consider soft foods such as pasta or rice. Those types because your wire will be really thin. To start with mine was so thin I could bend it by poking it.

    After a year I was able to eat pretty much anything I liked, my wire was so thick that it didn't break. So you don't have to avoid all crisps etc ect.

    I had blue for the whole two years and my braces didn't seem too bad when looking at them. Avoid black becuase that will make your brace look pretty scary.

  3. i had braces before. i love apples too and they were also a forbbiden food so i would peel my apples cut it into thin slices and eat with my back teeth.

    most dentist say not to chew gum. but how can u live with out gum? just dont chew the cheap kind, it will get stuck in the brackets and is a pain to clean out but every other gum is fine.  oh and they will hurt especially at first and you will feel uncomfortable with all the new metal in your mouth. but u will get used to it and wont talk so funny anymore.  

    make sure to clean your teeth now with extra care.  and use the wax you get not to irratate the insides of your mouth from the sharp edges.

    and believe me you will have them off before you know it and will have a beautiful smile the rest of your life. its worth it!

  4. Pick whatever colors you want! Usually they let you have 2 band colors. You can check the colors out here - click on the color and then the location:

    My son got braces 3 weeks ago and he has blue and teal and they look really good. It's a popular swimming pool summer combination the dental assistant said. = ) He's getting his school colors when he gets the bands changed a day before school starts.

    White and clear bands are easily discolored, especially if you eat food like curry. But if you have something important to go to where you don't want your braces to show, they're a good temporary choice.

    The orthodontist will give you a list of foods you shouldn't eat while you have braces. Hard (hard pizza crust) or sticky foods (starbursts) are the worst.

    You might want to have a lot of yogurt and soft food handy, we did that for my son, but on the way home from both braces appts (he got the top one week, the bottom the next) he wanted McD's french fries and he ate them fine.

    Ask your orthodontist if it is OK for you to use a battery operated flosser. They have a little plastic flosser that sticks out and can go in between teeth above the braces. You can buy them at places like Target for $15.

  5. I recently got braces and I am eating things like noodle soup, spaghetti, and macaroni and cheese. I chose baby blue and light green and it came out really well.

  6. Color:

    I think you should get a light pink, light blue or light purple. Try not to get dark or bright colors they seem to stand out. If your dentist doesn't have the options of light colors get a blue it usually will blend right in with the metal (all based on my personal opinions)

    Foods You shouldn't Eat:

    -Anything sticky (peanut butter is okay)

    -Any hard candies

    -Anything hard in general

    -Corn on the cob is definately a bad thing to eat when you have braces but you can have the corn that is not on the cob. I personally like Birdseye steam fresh corn

    Your dentist should tell you the foods you cant eat and if he/she doesnt ask him.

    Hope this helps :)

  7. well i just recently got my braces so i think i can help. colors.well no yyellow cuz it looks like your teeth are dirty,no black so your teeth don't look rotten, no white because it can get dirty and n red because it looks like your teeth are bleeding. my favorite colors though for braces are orange and blur for sure. when u first get your braces limit yourself to yogurt bread(maybe) mash potatoes soft pasta (macaroni) etc... DO NOT EAT: hard candy or anything that u think can break thosebracketss.      

  8. Color: dont get yellow because it'll make your teeth look yellow and dont get green or black by themselves because it'll look like you have something in your teeth. most ppl get clear colored braces because the braces arent as visible, but i'd only recommend clear braces if you are an excellent tooth brusher because clear braces tend to pick up and retain food stains.

    Food: your teeth will feel very sore on the first couple of days so eat foods that dont require chewing like pudding, soup, mashed potatoes. you can basically eat most foods. try to stay away from sticky foods because they are hard to chew and can get messy to take out of your braces and can possibly move a bracket out of place. dont chew on hard hard foods like ice or rib bones because you can break of a bracket.

    Tips: always brush your teeth in the morning, at night and after meals because poor brushing with braces can leave little permanent stains on your teeth after the braces are removed.

  9. eat anything soft the best to eat is chicken noodle soup

    pick a color that is less noticeable but not clear or white.

  10. I had regular metal braces. So these are my opinions from my experienc...

    If you're getting the regular metal braces, go with white or black.

    Those colors go with everything.  The black might even make your teeth look brighter.

    As for what to eat... If you've never had them before, your mouth will hurt at first.  Even bread will feel to painful to eat.  It will last a couple of days... Once you make it through the first day, the pain gradually will go away and you'll be able to eat more.  The pain will return each time you have them tightened.  Not trying to scare you, just give you a heads up.

    It's easier to say what to stay away from...

    Stay away from taffy, gum, popcorn, anything sticky.

    Always keep a toothbrush handy, and maybe even some toothpicks.  Lots of food can get stuck in  between the metal.

    Make sure to brush everyday, or the braces will leave permanent marks on your teeth.

    Good luck!!

  11. when you first get braces it didn't hurt when i ate mashed potatoes or soup and someone i know drank a lot of smoothie king. When you have braces on they tell you not to eat gummy stuff and bubble gum i did sometimes and i was fine but it's probably better to be safe then sorry. u can chew sugar-free gum though (like orbit or trident). When i had braces they give you this chart with a bunch of colors on them, i got carolina blue (it's like periwinkle), kelly green, and royal blue.


    - baby Blue

    - light Pink

    - purple

    - baby Blue and light Pink

    - Baby blue and purple

    - Light pink and Purple

    - other


    - yellow

    - black

    - clear

    - white

    - glow in the dark

    Here's a short list of my  favorites for those painful first days (or the days after an adjustment).

    1.Ice Cream

    2.Tuna, chicken, or egg salad

    3.Lunch meat (without bread)


    5.French toast, pancakes, waffles

    6.Saltine crackers

    7.Cottage cheese


    9.Cereal that gets soggy in milk

    10.Oatmeal or hot cereals

    11. mashed potato

    12. Mashed Banana

    13. Pudding

    14. Jello

    Bad FOOD:

    - Dots (They get stuck in braces)

    - Gum with sugar (You can eat sugar free gum though!)

    - hard food

    GOOD LUCK!!!

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