
Questions for Muslims

by Guest65360  |  earlier

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Were Adam and Huwa (Eve) created as adults?

Why was Adam a Prophet?

Who did he preach to?

Did Adam and Eve have more children than Cain and Abel?

If not. Then How did world further populate? If yes why are they not important as Cain and Abel?




  1. They created in heaven.

    Becouse Allah deceded that

    To his Childrens..

    I don't know more otherthan this two.

    All people are not inportant......

  2. Adam was not the first physical man on earth, nor was Eve the first physical woman.  They were the first people that God gave the capacity to understand that they themselves were created.  They were the first humans that were given free will by God.

    Hence, why Adam was chosen as the Khalifa (vicegerant) to mankind.  How could Adam be a Prophet if there was no one for him to preach to?  Obviously people were there and like with all other Prophets, Adam was chosen by God among all the people.  

    People were around, and that is how mankind continued to flourish.  But to think they were the first two physical people not only goes against Islam, but against common sense.  How can two people populate the world?  Incest, deformities, etc would have killed off mankind long ago.

    EDIT 1:

    @Asker - Jazkallah.  No this isn't something "our Messiah taught" of his own.  He taught it from the Holy Qur'an, as Muhammad (sa) himself taught it.  This is something that can be substantiated from the Holy Qur'an.  For example:

    Aal-e-`Imran Chapter 3 : Verse 34

    Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran above all peoples of the time.

    How could God choose Adam above the people of the time if there were no other people?  I mean this is just one verse but even logically looking at it, we know that 10,000 years ago there were people in Asia, America, and Africa.  We have found ancient civilizations much older than that even.  How then, can Adam (as) be the first physical person?

    Logically, it only makes sense that he was the first one whom had volition and free will, and hence was chosen as the Khalifa of Allah to mankind - to bring mankind to the realization and reality of God, and to worship Him as the Qur'an says.  Hope that sheds some more light on it.

    love for all, hatred for none

  3. they're fictional characters for lazy people who can't be bothered to open an elementary school bio textbook

  4. Some Islamic scholars think Adam and Eve represent the first human beings evolved that can be called a human being, i.e. not the first two humans made per se.

    How could you explain evolution to people from 1400 years ago?

  5. your not gonna get any serious answers with the dumb writing under your avatar.

  6. People take all these messages too literally. You need to read deeper. Q Factor is right. He makes great sense.

  7. 1)they were adults

    2) bcoz he has all prophethood's properties( he saw ALLAH/GOD , he talked to ALLAH/GOD)

    3) to his lineage( sons and daughters)

    4) yes , but we don't know their names ,but i think they were 2 daughters

  8. yes they were created as adults



    yes they had more children

  9. Islam is a mans religion
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