
Questions for PRO-LIFERS!?

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1-Who are you to decide what a woman does with the fetus that she's carrying.

2-What does it change in your life if a woman does get an abortion?

3-Do you support the war in Iraq?

4- Why do some pro-lifers bomb clinics?




  1. 1. I just think that it's better to put a child up for adoption rather than have an abortion. If the mother can't handle motherhood, give the baby to someone who desperately wants a child but can't have one. But then again that's my opinion. But the question can also be reversed, who are they to decide whether a human should get the chance to live or not.

    2. Doesn't change anything. Also doesn't change the fact that I care.

    3. Yes and No, I have many different opinions about that for different reasons.

    4. There are some ppl that go over the line severely, they think they are making a point in some twisted way. I can't even begin to understand what the h**l they are thinking. It's just a good thing that not all are like that.  

  2. 1. Every child has a right to live. Who gave you the moral authority to decide who is allowed to have a life? Being pro-life isn't about oppressing women - I'm a woman myself, so that wouldn't make any sense - it's about trying to give women real choices.

    2. It doesn't. Neither does rape or domestic violence, but I'm allowed to hold an opinion on those.

    3. No. I don't support any wars, I'm a pacifist.

    4. Because they're hypocrites. I don't understand how they can call themselves pro-life. There are radicals in every movement, but they don't define the beliefs of the entire group. Those are just the people who get more media attention.

    I'll add that I'm not religious or conservative. I just believe that science has shown that life begins at conception, and that murder is always wrong and always preventable. I only agree with abortion in medical cases in which the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.

    Hope that answers your questions.

  3. Wow! somebody is a little bit defensive... In answer to your  questions:

    1.) Ok, then by the same token: who are you to tell parents that they're not allowed to kill (ahem, I mean euthanize) their young children who are completely financially dependent them?

    2.) I would be dead right now if a certain, very young woman had chosen abortion. Next!

    3.) What in the heck does this even have to do with the pro-life/pro-choice debate? These are two separate issues. Don't stereotype, it's shallow!

    4.) There are crazies in every group. Why were some far left liberals so violent in the 1960's? Answer: they were crazies.  

  4. 1.  just another guy

         on the lost highway.

    2.  Each abortion makes life a little cheaper.

    3.  No.

    4.  It's a case of criminals punishing criminals.

  5. 1. Because that baby is going to be a part of my life forever.... also, who are you to be irresponsible and then just skip out on your responsibilities, saying its unfair to expect you to give birth is like saying its unfair to expect parents to support their kids.....

    2. Because i want to be a father one day, and i dont appreciate that whether or not i get to be a dad depends entirely on the woman i sleep with.

  6. 1- When did women become God? I know God is dead, but women have not received the right to play God.

    2- It is the ethics of preserving future life. Maybe we should "abort" old people, the retarded, and the physically disabled? Humans are defined by their brains. If a person lacks brain power, do they deserve human rights?

    3- What does this have to do with abortion?

    4- I don't know.  

  7. You might want to add:  Do you support Capital Punishment....

  8. 1. you admit that she is "carrying" it, therefor its not a part of her body, it's a complete different life. If she wants to chop off her arm or throw rubber in her b***s, hey I don't care. Taking an innocent life does bother me.

    2. Not a d**n thing, I'm sure it has changed the lives of a few fellas. All the people dying in Iraq doesn't change anything in my life either. None of my family is there.

    3. No. I am completely against it. I hate seeing people die, especially when there was and is better ways to handle things (funny, that goes for preventing pregnancies, abortion and war!). I was against it from the very beginning.

    4. I have never done that so I don't know.  * They're crazy.

  9. well i dont think you care what i put down.  your mind is as made up as mine is, but because i'm bored, here are the answers to your questions from my prespective....

    1. I didn't decide.  It was taught to me by my family and my church.  I was told God does not like us to murder babies.  That seems to make sense to me.

    2. It makes me sad.  I think of what that kid could have been.  They may have ended poverty, or world hunger or global warming.  I also wonder if it will leave their soul mate without a partner.  I dont know the answer to that, but I do wonder.

    3.  No not really.  I do support or troops and democracy.   but i think we were tricked into this war and it has gone on way to long.  

    4.  i dont know.  thats crazy!  why are you going to say murdering babies is bad, but murdering adults is ok?  That makes no sense.  Taking a life is taking a life, it does not matter the age of the person... Crazy!

    Well there you go, thats what i think.

  10. i care cuz theres a human being inside her and it would be wrong to kill it

  11. 1. I guess I shouldn't worry about the murder of others either.  After all, it's not my body, so why should I have the right to legislate what other people do to others based on this line of thought?

    2. Nothing usually, but then again, neither does the murder, assault, etc. of others I don't know, but I still feel they should be illegal.

    If a woman who I'm married tto has an abortion, I lose a child.  Simple as that.  I'd consider that grounds for divorce too, but that's getting into a different topic.

    3. Not really, and I never did.  Having said that, we made a mess we need to clean up.  If we just leave them over there wrecked and ruined, you'll just have someone like Saddam Hussein back in power in a few years and we'll start all over again.  That's similar to what happened in Germany in WWII.

    4. They're crazy.

  12. I don't support any of this. I am pro-choice.

    1. I think it should be her choice, and I wish it was known that these decisions aren't made just at the drop of a hat. However, I do feel that posing questions in this nature doesn't convert anyone to change their beliefs.

    2. It doesn't hurt me personally.

    3. h**l no.

    4. They do it for primarily religious purposes - killing the killer of "babies". It makes the one doing the bombing a martyr of sorts by doing this, and creates the illusion of persecution to the person committing this crime by locking them up. By doing what some believe is righteous justice, the act itself is a reward of heaven and overshadows the consequences in this life.

  13. I'm not a pro-lifer or a pro-choicer. I think it depends on the situation. I'll try to answer your question in a FAIR way:

    1. Who are you to act irresponsibly and think you are entitled to decide the fate of another human?

    2. Less unwanted kids living in poverty or becoming the decay of society.

    3. No

    4. Hypocrisy

  14. I'm pro-choice but I don't believe in abortion personally:

    1.  I don't really look at it as doing something with a fetus.  I look at it as a fetus not being an independant organism and, therefore, not having any independant rights.  That being said,  I think it's irresponsible and disgusting to abort a child.  You played and you should pay.  Simple as that.

    2.  It changes nothing but there are a lot of things in this world that don't touch me directly that I have an opinion about.  We all live together in society and the availability of abortion, the "trickle-down" happiness theory, the excessive infidelity that leads to the break-down of the family unit all have a direct affect on society and, therefore, change my life by altering the world in which I live.

    3.  I don't know.  I don't think we're there for the reasons given and it's unfortunate that there has to be a war but you can't not support the war and still scream for cheap oil.  At a certain point, hard decisions have to be made and our interests need to be protected.  We all certainly seem to become pretty angry when our way of life is threatened or we're inconvenienced in the least.

    4.  Because they're psychotic zealots.

  15. I'm pro-life after the first trimester.

    1.LATE TERM abortion is wrong because at that point it's a person and can survive outside the body and it can feel pain.

    2.It doesn't change it, but the baby will be in agony since they don't give it anesthesia.


    4.Yeah, you said it yourself, SOME, that doesn't mean all. And I think those INDIVIDUALS are crazy and hypocritical.

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