
Questions for Pro-Life Sonographers?

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I'm looking into to going back to school to become an Ultrasound Tech. I recently read a post from a sonographer saying that sometimes women come to her for a sonogram to see how far along she is for the sole purpose of getting an abortion.

If you work in a hospital doing sonography in almost all areas (instead of an OB/GYN or pregnany center, etc.), how often do you perform sonograms on pregnant women? And how frequently is it that you know they are getting an abortion?

I would be nice and do the best job possible for every patient, but I think I would have a hard time with it at first. (feeling really guilty and sad) How do you deal with this?

On the flip side, have you ever had someone come in intending to get an abortion, but changed their mind after you performed the sonogram?




  1. I am a pro-choice sonographer.  I will tell you that when we have a patient come in for dating a pregancy prior to an abortion, the patient is a wreck.  These women do not make this decision lightly or easily.  They are having a difficult time and making extremely difficult decisions.  It is also difficult on me as a sonographer, to a degree.  I find it much harder to deal with other situations.  For example, finding an advanced breast cancer in a woman.  Or finding an ancephalic fetus (which equals death for the baby upon birth) when scanning a pregnant woman who has been TTC for years.

    We do a few dating for abortion ultrasounds per month, where I work.  I work in a free standing imaging center, where we do all kinds of ultrasounds, and not just OB scans.  Usually we do know why we are doing the ultrasound.  I handle these scans differently than I would a dating ultrasound for non-abortion reasons.  I turn off the extra monitor and make sure my screen is turned away from the patient, so the pregnant woman cannot see the images.  I don't point out what is what on the monitor.  Some pro-lifers want a pregnant woman to be forced to have an ultrasound prior to an abortion, and I think that is mentally cruel to do to a woman who is making this decision.  A woman is ALWAYS going to feel guilt over deciding to abort (whether they show it or not), and I refuse to add to that life long mental anguish.  Try to remember that you know nothing about this patient's situation (abusive relationship, victim of incest, absolutely no family support, mentally challenged, rape victim), so you really don't have any information to base any opinions on.  

    I have a harder time doing a second trimester ultrasound on a woman, who I feel has no business having children.  We see homeless women, women on drugs, women reeking of alcohol, women on welfare with 6 dirty and unkept children in tow, mentally deficient women, and the sort.  I always feel like crying for this soon-to-be born baby's life.  I don't have high hopes that their lives will be very happy.

    As a sonographer, you will never know if the patient went through with the abortion or not.  Once you are done with your scan, you are done with the patient.  You don't get follow up information or details.  And maybe that is a good thing, for someone in your situation.  Maybe you could tell yourself that the woman didn't go through with her abortion.  Or you can find the compassion to feel sorry that this person is going through such a tough time in her life.  Or choose to live in a fantacy life and convince yourself that all of these women have been victims of incest (are you okay with abortions in this situation?)  

    So, I dunno if I answered your question, but I just wanted to give you my experiences.  Best wishes with your decision.

  2. As a professional, it's none of your business what the patients plans are!

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