
Questions for global warming?

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Here are my two questions.

What other source of energy is available to power plants, homes, cars, trucks, buses? without using gas or something that can defect global warming

Explain why u.s should became the world leader in combatting global warming





  1. the sources that have additional potential are

    wind and nuclear.

    wind would be nice, but nuclear has capacity.

    bio is unlikely ever to be a major factor because there just is not enough of it.


    the US should become the leader (A) because we're so wasteful,  (B) because we are very innovative,  (C) it will be a very profitable business.

  2. solar, wind, water, electricity, ethenol. There are cars out there that run on electricty, you plug it in at night (like you would a cell phone) and wake up with a full battery.

    The U.S. along with China are the two countrys that assist the most to global warming, you make the mess you help clean it up.

  3. We can burn plant material to make steam for turbines.We can burn bio-deisel in all trucks and buses. We can use electric  or ethanol,and even hydrogen,to fuel our cars. By burning 'natural' stuff like plants,that doesn't increase the world wide CO2 levels. Plant material absorbs the CO2 out of the atmosphere,until burned,or decomposes. That particular form of CO2 is not nearly as bad for the climate as the added CO2 from fossil fuels.  That's because the plants are part of the closed loop of CO2. If no more fossil fuels were ever burned,and only plant material was burned,the CO2 levels would begin to level off,or even begin to decline slightly That can go a long way in solving the 'defect' of global warming.

    The US should be in the lead! Why? Aren't we the "Leader of the Free World"? Then lets friggin lead! The US uses 40% of the worlds oil,but is only 5% of the world population!

    We made the BIGGEST MESS!  

    WE should help the rest of the world in THEIR attempts in saving OUR  planet!

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